I received the most incredible unsolicited endorsement of my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada! The Director of Catechetics and Faith Formation, Judy Vermette, sent me the following. (the prayers she is referring to are the prayers at the end of each chapter).
Hi Joe,
The Archdiocese of Winnipeg and the Archdiocese of St. Boniface have collaborated to bring your book “The Catechist Toolbox” as the theme for a workshop for our catechists. We are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It was a huge success with more than 150 catechists attending.
Both myself and the Coordinator of Catechetics for the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Koreen Hrizai, were so inspired by your book that we created a prayer palette to use in Session 4 and also for the catechists to have easy access to your prayers all the time. I adapted your prayers to fit on the cards acknowledging you and Loyola press. We purchased copies of your book for all attendees. I created colours and colour names to fit the prayers and connected them with a nut and bolt so that they would fan out. The last page states “ Prayers are the nuts and bolts that hold our lives together!” We told the catechists the more they prayed your prayers and fanned out the pages the nut loosens and requires tightening, just an added reminder to keep praying.
I have attached a photo of some of the catechists who attended holding the prayer palette and also one of the palette. Thank you for inspiring us and giving us a wonderful tool to assist our catechists. We would be happy to send you a prayer palette if you would like. Blessings, Judy
What a terrific idea! Very handy way to keep all prayers easily accessible and kept together.
Came to your website as I know I can always find a last minute idea for a RE session when a catechist calls in sick. However, when I clicked on the Misc. tab that said there were over a hundred items – only about 5 “popped up.” Are you changing your website format?
Nancy, they’re all there. The first 5 pop up and on the bottom of that page there’s a link for “previous entries.” Just keep clicking that to go through all of them. You might find more applicable ideas by looking at “My Lessons Before and After.”
What a wonderful idea! Congratulations to Winnipeg for such a fantastic, well done idea nd to you, Joe for being the inspiration. I’m praying for inspiration on how to implement your idea right now!
Thanks, Karen!
Hi Joe,
Is your trip to Winnipeg at the end of April still a go? I was looking at your calendar of events and it made no mention of your Winnipeg visit. I, along with all my catechists look forward to your visit!
Hi Rachel. Indeed it it. I need to update my calendar!