I had a very exciting experience this morning appearing on the WGN-TV Morning Show for a brief (4 minutes!) segment on my book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. I’ve been watching Larry Potash and Robin Baumgarten on this local Chicago morning show for years and it was a thrill to be interviewed by them. They were so friendly and welcoming and put me at ease and I thought the segment went extremely well (thank you, Jesus!).
My son Mike proudly went on FB and commented, “Leave it to my Dad to go on TV and tell people “it’s not about you” while simultaneously promoting his own book! lol” What would we do without family to keep us grounded?
Great job Joe! We are proud of you! Can’t wait to see you on more talk shows!
Thanks, Lillian. We’ll see about the more talk shows!
Great job, Joe! Your comments helped me to think of what I need to do in my own life. Thanks for all you do to help the ministry and ministers of catechesis!
Thanks, Mary Ann!
Your humility comes through Joe but the publicity for your book was a great step in evangelizing!