Practice Makes Catholic – Finalist for “Excellence in Publishing Awards”

Practice Makes Catholic book cover

I’m very proud to announce that my book, Practice Makes Catholic is a finalist for the Excellence in Publishing Awards given by the Association of Catholic Pubishers in the category of Resources for Ministry. I’m honored to receive such consideration and am very proud of this book which is being used by so many people in parish ministry, especially in the areas of catechist formation, RCIA, and general adult formation. I’m also proud to be associated with a number of other products from Loyola Press that are also finalists. Here is the press release from the ACP:

 BALTIMORE, MD – The Association of Catholic Publishers is pleased to announce the finalists for the new Excellence in Publishing Awards, which will  be given out at the 2012 Religious Booksellers Trade Exhibit (RBTE) in St. Charles, Illinois. The goal of these awards is to recognize the best in Catholic publishing.

Awards will be given for books falling into six categories: General Interest, Inspirational, Prayer and Spirituality, Scripture, Theology, and Resources for Ministry, plus a special category for the Roman Missal. A “Book of the Year” will be named from among the first-place finishers of the first six categories.

“Support for these awards exceeded expectations,” noted Therese Brown, executive director of the Association of Catholic Publishers. “And because the Roman Missal was a new and once-in-a-lifetime publication, we felt it appropriate to add a special category to honor its place in the publishing world and our Catholic liturgical life.”

Each category was judged by a three-person panel, which reviewed and evaluated the entries down to six to eight titles, all of which will move on to the final round of judging. First, second, and third place winners will be announced at the RBTE.

The finalists by category are:

General Interest

All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day (Orbis Books); The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work (Liguori Publications); The Church and New Media (Our Sunday Visitor); Rock-a My Soul: An Invitation to Rock Your Religion (Liturgical Press); Why Stay Catholic? (Loyola Press); Wisdom for Living the Final Season (Pauline Books & Media)


A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms (Ave Maria Press); Ablaze: Stories of Daring Teen Saints (Liguori Publications); Forgiveness: A Catholic Approach (Pauline Books & Media); Seek First the Kingdom (Our Sunday Visitor); The Other Side of Chaos (Loyola Press); Turning to God in Tough Times (The Word Among Us Press)

Prayer & Spirituality

Fragments of Your Ancient Name (Ave Maria Press); God In the Dark (Liturgical Press); Lectio Divina Book Study: The Mass in Scripture (Our Sunday Visitor); Pause for Thought: Making Time for Prayer, Jesus, God (Paulist Press); The Ignatian Adventure (Loyola Press); The Road to Eternal Life (Liturgical Press)


A Different Priest: The Epistle of the Hebrews  (Convivium Press); Building Our House on Rock (The Word Among Us Press); Exploring the Spirituality of the Gospels (Liturgical Press); Jesus, the Word Made Flesh: John 1-10 (Twenty-Third Publications); Jesus, the Word Made Flesh: John 11-21 (Twenty-Third Publications); Numbers (Liturgical Press); The Bible and Science (Liturgical Press); Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for Lent (St. Anthony Messenger Press Books)


A Biblical Walk through the Mass (Ascension Press); Become What You Receive (Liturgy Training Publications); Being about Borders (Liturgical Press); Ecclesial Movements and Communities: Origins, Significance, and Issues (New City Press); Efficacious Engagement (Liturgical Press); God and the Mystery of Human Suffering (Paulist Press)

Resources for Ministry

Adaptive First Eucharist (Loyola Press); Essential Presidential Prayers (Liturgy Training Publications); I Will Remember You (Pauline Books & Media); Lifting Up Our Hearts (Book and Music CD) (RENEW International); Living the Word Year B (World Library Publications); Practice Makes Catholic (Loyola Press); Table Talk: Beginning the Conversation on the Gospel of Mark (New City Press)

Roman Missal

Liturgical Press (Ritual Edition); Liturgy Training Publications (Chapel Edition and Ritual Edition); Magnificat (Chapel Edition and Deluxe Edition); USCCB (Deluxe Edition); World Library Publications (Ritual Edition)

A brief explanation of each category follows.

Books in the “General Interest” category include biographies, Church history, collections of essays by theologians or important Catholic thinkers. The “Inspirational” book category focuses on devotional, spiritual, and meditation books and books on saints, holy people, and stories related to people living their faith. “Prayer and Spirituality” are books centered on prayer or spiritual reflection, and include any theme for organizing and presenting such content.

The category of “Scripture” includes books about Scripture, whether scholarly treatments of particular books or collections of books of the Bible. Bibles are excluded from this category. “Theology” includes books on the topic of Catholic theology, whether scholarly monographs or more popular treatments of theological aspects of Catholic teaching on, for example, the sacraments, the nature of the Church.

The last category, “Resources for Ministry,” includes any book that serves as a faith formation tool in parish ministry for sacrament preparation, catechesis (other than basal programs), adult faith formation, and for use in enrichment programs.

The Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP), celebrating 25 years of service to the Catholic publishing field, is a membership organization of Catholic publishers, those who provide services to Catholic publishers, and individuals who work with Catholic publishers. The ACP provides opportunities for members to further the Catholic publishing industry, promote Catholic publishing and reading, and engage those they interact with including retailers, pastoral leaders, individual customers, and staff.


About Joe Paprocki 2735 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


  1. I just picked this up the other day and wanted to tell you how great your book is. As a lifelong Catholic with a Protestant husband, I’m finding this very useful to help him understand why we do things the way we do. We are raising our children Catholic, and this book is really helpful – a perfect level of detail and easy to read through. Thank you!

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