In this segment of Catechists in Action, Marge Garbacz introduces the theme for the evening’s RCIA session (Human Dignity), drawn from Practice Makes Catholic. Watch for the following:
- Marge nicely ties in the theme for the evening, human dignity, with the Gospel reading just reflected on (the Man Born Blind).
- Marge describes how I introduce the theme of human dignity in Practice Makes Catholic by talking about a song from the musical Chicago: Mr. Cellophane to emphasize that too many people in our society are “invisible” (like Lazarus who sat by the table of the rich man in Jesus’ parable)
- Marge elaborates on what cellophane is!
- Marge shows the Mr. Cellophane scene from the movie Chicago…nice use of technology (she makes this a regular feature in each session…usually a brief YouTube clip)
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