As you know by now, we will be celebrating a Year of Faith beginning this October, 2012, through November, 2013. I’m happy to announce that I will be offering an Online Summer Retreat: Preparing for a Year of Faith beginning one week from today on Monday, July 30, 2012 (on the eve of the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola!). The online retreat will take place right here on Catechist’s Journey.
The retreat is free and there is no need to register for it….just visit my blog each day beginning July 30 through August 24. During that time, you are invited to take a few minutes each day at your convenience to “gather” here on my blog as we seek to encounter Christ and to deepen our understanding of the truths of our faith as given to us in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
We will be drawing from my book A Well-Built Faith devoting a week to each of the 4 pillars of the Catechism: the Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer. We will be reflecting on the themes and topics of our faith as a means to encountering Christ more deeply. In doing so, we will be preparing for the Year of Faith when we may be participating locally in more formal studies of our faith and the Catechism.
Here is a brief video introducing the online summer retreat: Preparing for a Year of Faith.
I am interested in “attending” this retreat. I dare say that I don’t have a copy of your book, but I do have my Catechism of the Catholic Church. I’ll be at a week-long seminar at Manhattan College in New York, but, I’ll log on every evening as much as I can. Thank you in advance for this opportunity.
Belkys, my retreat posts will have CCC paragraph references!
Looking forward to it. If every Catholic read your book, A Well Built Faith which is so easy to read and understand, we could make great strides in this Year of Faith!
Diane, how nice of your to say!
Hi Joe!
I am recommending that all my catechists check out this retreat, as I will be doing it too. Quick question: is the purchase of the book required in order to fully participate in the retreat?
Thank you, God Bless
Hi Lisa and thanks for inviting your catechists to participate! No, it’s not necessary to purchase the book to participate. My hope is, of course, that people will like what they’re experiencing on the online retreat and will want to get the book eventually!
Thank you!!
What do we need to do to join the retreat? Is this the right page to begin with?
Thank you
Hi Lisa…you’re in the right place! Just visit my blog each day and you’ll find the latest retreat post!
Joe, So good of you to have opened this educating site for our sober spiritual and moral recess from the hussle and bustle of life. Huge thanks, Joe.
Dear Rev. Father,
Congrats on this wonderful piece of Good News!!
Wishing you the very best as you share the rich treasures of our Catholic Faith!
You will be happy to hear that I work at the Diocesan Catechetical Centre, Pune, India, and we just organised our First session called FAITH ENRICHMENT SEMINAR For all Catholic Teachers in our diocese of Pune. 71 teachers attended this programme. This is in preparation for the Year of Faith!
One with you and Mary, our Sister in the Faith,
Carol D. fma
Hi Carol and thanks for your comments. Congrats on your Faith Enrichment Seminar! Best wishes to you in your ministry in Pune, India!
By the way, no need to call me Rev. Father. Only my wife and children have to call me that!
Thanks dear Joe for your kind wishes for our forthcomin’ programmes! Thanks for giving me the liberty to address you, just Joe! That’s Gr8!
I am really happy about the way in which you are preparing your programme! Do kindly share with me if possible the great things you are doing in this Catechetical ministry!
All good wishes to you and to your family.
With Mary, our Sister in the Faith,
Carol D. fma
Thank you so much.
I need to look into other methods to spice up my adult catechism classes
(in the hospital, school, religious affiliates’ group, lay Christian community group).
With deep appreciation. God bless!