Thanks to the wonderful folks who came out today in North Carolina to explore what life is like Under the Influence of Jesus!
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Images of Jesus
I have a Powerpoint meditation on Images of Jesus that I put together a few years back and plan to use this upcoming week with my class. The presentation contains 82 images of Jesus that I’ve found from various sources. In all, the presentation is set to run about eight minutes long and I have it timed to two songs that I play on CD: “Jesus, the Lord” (St. Louis Jesuit) and “Hold on to […]

Spiritual but not Religious – Love Jesus but Hate Religion
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Online Catechist's Retreat – Week 4: An Openness to the World
Welcome to Week 4 of our Online Catechist’s Retreat (The Spirituality of the Catechist) as we take a look at the third characteristic of our spirituality: An Openness to the World. Thanks so much for insights posted last week on the theme of our openness to the Church! It is so enjoyable and enriching to read your thoughts and to converse with you. If you’re just joining us, you can go back and “catch up” and then come […]
Thank you so much for your visit to the Diocese of Raleigh. All of our participants were so excited by your presentation and we are now “on fire” as we return to our parishes to spread the Word!
You’re very welcome, Diane! Thanks so much for having me in Raleigh!