The New Evangelization calls for presenting the Gospel with a new “ardor, methods, and expression.” I propose a new “expression” that would meet a pressing need in our faith formation programs: the “SHEEN SQUAD” to assist catechists with I.T. needs. It would be composed of teens/young adults who volunteer as aides for religious education programs to help catechists integrate technology into their sessions.
The name, of course, mimicks the well-known “Geek Squad” which offers computer-related services for Best Buy but instead invokes the name of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was a pioneer in TV and radio as a vehicle for proclaiming the Gospel.
Members of the Sheen Squad would provide catechists with assistance in using technology in faith formation. They would arrange for the showing of videos, use of the Internet, Skyping, downloading videos and music, using social media, and so on. Most of all, it would provide another opportunity to invite young people to use their gifts in service of the Gospel.
Love it! My parish definitely needs a “Sheen Squad”!
Great idea! We have the students create a “faith tweet” on paper for a lesson – maybe we need to have a web site where we can post it.