Don’t Chase God; Be Caught Instead

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists

This reflection is part of the Spirituality of the Catechist Online Retreat.

Craig, Janice, and their two young daughters could always be counted on to participate in parish family life programs. By all accounts Craig was the super-Catholic dad: a humble man of faith; a role model for other dads.

After a particularly long afternoon of family-ministry activities, I noticed Craig sitting in a far corner of the church lawn. I wandered over, sat beside him, and handed him a cold drink. We sat in comfortable silence for a while.

Staring off into the distance, he quietly asked, “Do you ever get tired of chasing God?”

“What do you mean?”

“Seems we’re often so busy doing ministry activities. Don’t get me wrong—my family and I love serving the Church. But on days like this I feel like I’m on a marathon chase and can never catch up to God.”

I realized then that in our well-intentioned efforts to run a robust family program and reach out to others, we had forgotten that it is God who first reaches out to us. The Holy Trinity initiates the relationship, desires to catch us, and pursues us. Craig’s frustration unveiled God’s invitation to press the pause button on our busyness and listen to God, receive God’s graces, and trust in God’s goodness.

Like Craig, I want to catch up to God. But what does that feel like? When will I know that I’ve caught up to God? (Rather, how do I know that God has caught me?)

girl trying to catch butterflies

The Guide for Catechists (Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, 1993) explains that God catches us whenever we are “drawn into the circle of the Father, who communicates the word; of the Son, the Incarnate Word, who speaks only the words He hears from the Father; and of the Holy Spirit who enlightens the mind to help it understand God’s words and opens the heart to receive them with love and put them into practice.” (7) We can let God catch us in our spiritual lives and in our ministry as well.

God the Father—who communicates the Word—catches us whenever we listen to and contemplate Sacred Scripture. Whenever I schedule a monthly planning meeting, we begin with either lectio divina or a Sunday Gospel reflection provided online by Loyola Press to help us slow down and feel God’s presence among us.

Jesus, the Incarnate Word, reaches out to us; we are caught when we receive him frequently in the Eucharist. As a catechetical community we discover renewed strength when we attend Mass together, not in our role as catechists but as brothers and sisters united in Baptism.

The Holy Spirit reaches out to us, offering enlightenment. We are caught when we trust in the voice of God that resonates within us, informs us, and gives meaning to our ministry. The essential question for us has shifted from “What shall we do next?” to “Where and why is the Holy Spirit leading us toward this particular plan/activity?” This new paradigm reminds us that we are sent forth by Christ to be missionary disciples.

We all should be so lucky to serve in ministry with someone as insightful as Craig. His honest expression of frustration inspired us to stop the chase and be caught instead. This, of course, requires an openness to God, a willingness to trust in God’s love, mercy, and goodness.

This reflection was inspired by our retreat theme this week: An Openness to God. Read Joe Paprocki’s post introducing the theme and reflect with questions and spiritual exercises.

About Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy 29 Articles
Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy serves as Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Honolulu, which is comprised of the six major islands in the state of Hawaii. Born and raised in Honolulu, Jayne began her professional career in corporate management in the San Francisco Bay Area while remaining steadily involved in parish catechetical and liturgical music programs. Jayne, and her husband and daughter, returned to Honolulu where Jayne earned a master's degree in pastoral leadership from Chaminade University of Honolulu. Her perspective of volunteer recruitment and management is shaped by her lengthy experience in working with and leading volunteers in diocesan and parish catechetical ministries, as a high school teacher and administrator, and as a governing board member for local Catholic and private schools and the National Conference for Catechetical Leaders (NCCL).​ She is the author of Cultivating Your Catechists, part of the Effective Catechetical Leader series.


  1. Great reflection Jayne. Very inspiring for us catechists who have given our time and service to the church. We sometimes need to consciously allow him to find us and catch us so we can keep going especially when things get rough.

    • Thank you, Sr. Mercy! When times are rough, isn’t it wonderful to recite the Memorare – our Blessed Mother protects and comforts us, allowing our hearts to remain open to God.

    • Love the Phrase ” To be caught by God.” This just deepens the human side of things. This makes it so real in our Communion in the Father, son & Holy Spirit .
      I love when our awareness needs to be always on alert.

  2. Thanks so much for this reflection, Jayne! I can relate to Craig; one of my favorite mantras is from St. Joan of Arc – “Act and God will act; work and He will work.” It is indeed a blessing to be called by God to do His work. I need to remind myself that He is working in me – “For God is the one, for His good purpose, works in you…” (Philippians 2:13)

    Another suggestion for letting Jesus “catch you” – Eucharistic Adoration! I find the silence to meditate, adore, talk and listen to Jesus, to rest in His presence and feel His loving embrace, is essential for letting Him work in me. For God’s glory – Amen!

  3. Whenever I feel worn down by involvement in many parish activities, my friend reminds me to crawl up into Jesus’s lap for a while and just rest in his arms! Sometimes hard to remember to DO that!

    Blessings, Mary G

  4. Beautiful reflection Jayne. This is why I love Adoration so much. Mahalo for sharing and blessings be upon you and all that you do.

  5. That was lovely, Jayne. Thank you for sharing that experience as well as your reflections upon it. I think sometimes we all get so caught up in the “what” and “how” of things that we forget about the “why” and, even more importantly, the “Who”.

  6. Mahalo Jayne, Beautiful reflection on a message that we need to be reminded of. This is why I love Adoration, it brings me peace and rejuvenates my spirit. Giving myself permission to stop everything and crawl into the loving embrace of God still gives me “AWE” Sure I start of rambling to Jesus about this or that, then there is that deepness where I am filled and restored, and called to be an instrument. Blessings be upon you and all that you do.

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