Now Here: The Effective Catechetical Leader Series

The Effective Catechetical Leader series

Just about 20 years ago, I was minding my own business at the Office for Catechesis in the Archdiocese of Chicago when Loyola Press approached me and asked me to contribute to a new series they were working on in collaboration with NCCL called The Effective DRE Skills Development Series. Not only did the series go on to touch the lives of numerous catechetical leaders, the contact with Loyola Press eventually led to an invitation to join the company.

ECL: Called by Name by Joe PaprockiMore recently, representatives from NCCL approached Loyola Press about the possibility of updating that series since so much has happened in the world and in the Church in the intervening decades. I was asked to serve as the General Editor for the series. I’ve spent the last six months working on the new Effective Catechetical Leader series, and I can tell you without hesitation, it has been a labor of love!

And now, in collaboration with NCCL, we are proud to announce that the new Effective Catechetical Leader series is here!

I have had the pleasure of working with five outstanding authors, all top catechetical leaders in the country, who each contributed a book to the series (along with one I wrote), and the series was officially launched recently at NCCL’s annual conference, which was held in Dallas. This is the only series to encompass all the aspects of catechetical leadership, providing the practical skills, strategies, and approaches that ensure successful parish faith formation in an evangelizing manner, which leads directly to a vibrant Church. Each book in The Effective Catechetical Leader series also comes with 10 downloadable worksheets to help you put into practice what you are learning.ECL: Cultivating Your Catechists by Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy

Further, the new ECL app puts wisdom and practical help in the palm of your hand. Drawn directly from the six books of The Effective Catechetical Leader series, the ECL app provides an opportunity for catechetical leaders to center themselves spiritually each day, focus on specific pastoral issues, and identify go-to strategies for meeting the challenges of serving as an effective catechetical leader. The app is available for iOS and Android devices.

ECL: Developing Disciples of Christ by Julianne StanzPlease join me in welcoming The Effective Catechetical Leader SeriesLearn more about the series or place your order here.

Called by Name: Preparing Yourself for the Vocation of Catechetical Leader by Joe Paprocki

Cultivating Your Catechists: How to Recruit, Encourage, and Retain Successful Catechists by Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy

Developing Disciples of Christ: Understanding the Critical Relationship between Catechesis and Evangelization by Julianne Stanz

Catechetical Leadership: What It Should Look Like, How It Should Work, and Whom It Should Serve by Adrián Alberto Herrera

Excellence in Ministry: Best Practices for Successful Catechetical Leadership by Tom Quinlan

All God’s People: Effective Catechesis in a Diverse Church by Donna Tolliver Grimes

ECL: Catechetical Leadership by Adrián Alberto HerreraECL: Excellence in Ministry by Tom QuinlanECL: All God’s People by Donna Tolliver Grimes

About Joe Paprocki 2735 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


  1. Hello,
    I am searching for a catechist interview. I am a new DRE and I am wondering if that is a wise idea. I will appreciate your feedback

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