As I mentioned in a previous post, I enjoyed a day in the Diocese of Peoria, in particular, participating in a grade-level breakout session for 5th and 6th grade catechists. Some of these grade level sessions can grow tedious if not facilitated well. I like the fact that for these breakouts, the diocese provided questions to guide the discussions. Here they are:
- Bringing Prayer into the classroom.
- Are there any regular prayers you use and why? Opening? Closing? Intercessory?
- Are there any special prayers or devotions you use during the liturgical year?
- Are there any ideas for prayer you’ve thought about and would like to use in the future?
- Bringing Saints into the classroom.
- How are saints brought into your class?
- Any special feast days you highlight? Why?
- Are there any ideas for bringing saints into your classroom you’ve thought about and would like to use in the future?
- Use of Music in the classroom.
- Is music used in your class? When and how?
- What resources do you use?
- In what ways might music be used in your class in the future?
- Use of Art in the classroom.
- In what ways do you use art in the classroom and how does it illustrate the point or knowledge you are trying to get across? Favorite craft, etc?
- Do you bring your own religious art into the classroom? Favorite statues, paintings, icons, etc?
- Are there any ideas for using art in the classroom you’ve thought about and would like to use in the future?
- Handling Discipline in the classroom.
- How do you handle discipline in the classroom?
- Do you use any type of system to maintain order?
- Are there any ideas for handling the classroom which you’ve thought about and would like to use in the future?
- Promoting Parental involvement.
- In what way(s) are parents currently encouraged to participate in the formation of their children in your current class or program?
- Are there any ideas for encouraging parental involvement you’ve thought about and would like to see implemented in the future?
- Favorite Lesson to teach – Why and How?
- Think for a moment about that topic, lesson, which you really look forward to teaching every year. What is it?
- Why do you so enjoy teaching this topic?
- How exactly do you present the material and how to the children react?
- The Strengths and Weaknesses of the text you use in the classroom.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook and materials provided to you?
- How do you overcome the weaknesses? What supplemental materials do you use?
- In what ways do you use Scripture and the Catechism to supplement the provided texts?
- Games and Activities
- What game or activity do you use in the classroom which the students seem to really enjoy and really is effective as a teaching tool?
- What games and activities have you tried which really flopped or didn’t work as expected? Any ideas why it flopped?
- What games and activities have you thought about trying in the future?
Finally, I like this little disclaimer that they added to the handout!
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