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Special Needs

Autism, the Holy Father, and Loyola Press

Recently, Pope Francis hosted a three-day conference at the Vatican (sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Health) titled “The Person with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Animating Hope.” Over 600 experts from nearly 60 countries gathered with several hundred parents and children affected by autism. Loyola Press was proudly represented by Tom McGrath (Author, Speaker, Vice President for New Product Development) and Joellyn Cicciarelli (Director of Curricula Development), both of whom are intimately involved in the development of […]

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Adult Faith Formation

How to Host Parish Small Faith Groups, Part 4

In our continuing series on how to host small faith groups in your parish, today’s post calls us to look at training leaders to facilitate the small groups. Our model is a parish in Chicago that gathered parishioners in homes to participate in Scripture groups during Lent. 1–2 Months Out A critical step in ensuring the success of small groups is the training of leaders to facilitate the process. Invite the potential leaders to a […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

On this U.S. Thanksgiving Day, we pause with family and friends to share gratitude for all good gifts from God. This video is by my colleague Vinita Hampton Wright and includes her poem, “What Everyone Ought to Know about Being Grateful.” Find a PDF of the poem here and more from Vinita at the dotMagis blog.

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Adult Faith Formation

How to Host Parish Small Faith Groups, Part 3

We continue our series here on Catechist’s Journey on how to implement small faith groups in your parish. Today we look at the crucial step of identifying, inviting, and training small group leaders. This is by far the most critical step, since the small faith groups will conduct their sessions in parishioners’ homes, without parish staff present. This follows the successful model used by St. Barnabas Parish in Chicago last Lent. 2–3 Months Out Select […]

Preparing for Advent

Free Advent Resources

As you know, Advent begins on Sunday, November 30, 2014. Don’t forget the free Advent Prayer Packet that I’ve put together this year. This packet includes the following: Two fully organized Advent prayer services, one specifically designed as a Penance service. A guided reflection on the name Emmanuel, “God with us.” A family prayer card to encourage families. And finally, don’t miss the great variety of Advent resources available from Loyola Press. Let us approach […]

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Adult Faith Formation

How to Host Parish Small Faith Groups, Part 2

Today we continue a series here on Catechist’s Journey that will lay out for you the steps to successfully implement small faith groups in your parish with an eye on Lent as a target. I am drawing on the successful experience of St. Barnabas Parish in Chicago, where last year over 200 parishioners gathered in homes during the season of Lent to participate in small faith groups. The success of the efforts at St. Barnabas […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

A New Look at the Phrase “Church Militant”

I was impressed by the Mass for Veterans that was celebrated at St. Barnabas parish in Chicago this past Sunday. Military personnel, past and present, from all five branches of the military were invited to participate in a rousing entrance procession complete with flags representing each of their branches. The music, which was splendid, was focused on the themes of marching and victory and peace. The homily, delivered by army chaplain Fr. Matt Foley, meshed the […]

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Adult Faith Formation

How to Host Parish Small Faith Groups, Part 1

During these past few months, as I’ve begun exploring the world of adult faith formation, I have become convinced that one of the key principles of AFF is that it is most effective when it is relational. In other words, we can’t simply gather adults and talk at them—they need to talk to one another! With that in mind, I am proud and excited to launch a series here on Catechist’s Journey that will lay […]

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Catechists in Action

Finding God at the Circus

Several days ago, I received an e-mail from my friend, former colleague, and fellow blogger Sr. Julie Vieira, IHM, over at A Nun’s Life, in which she reached out for help to assist a sister who is doing catechesis for people in the circus. Yes, the circus! I, in turn, reached out to my colleague Julie Berggren, one of our Sales Managers, since I didn’t think Loyola Press had an educational consultant currently assigned to […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Filming for Adaptive Finding God Video – A Star Is Born (And It’s Not Me!)

Last weekend, I had the distinct privilege of spending the day filming for a training DVD for the new Adaptive Finding God Program which will be available in January, 2015! This resource is the foremost program of its kind, offering faith formation for children with special needs, adaptable to a variety of settings and situations. For more information about the Adaptive Finding God Program, click here. Here is the truck from the film crew…they needed […]