Catechetical Formation Series by Loyola Press
Being a Catechist

Announcing a New Online Catechetical Formation Series!

Recently on Catechist’s Journey, we invited readers to participate in a poll indicating their preferences for catechist formation formats (reading a book, watching a video, attending a workshop or class, or online). Thanks to the many who responded! It is interesting to note how 22% (as of 3/12/2020) of those responding indicated a preference for online learning. And with the coronavirus keeping many of us at home, the option of online learning is helpful. With […]

family praying on couch

10 Tips for Teaching Religion Lessons to Your Children at Home

In the midst of this COVID-19 threat, many parents find themselves in the position of doing a certain amount of homeschooling with their children, including teaching religion lessons that would normally be taught in Catholic schools or parish religious education programs. Teaching religion lessons is different from teaching other subject areas, because in faith formation, we do not teach a subject, we facilitate an encounter with Jesus Christ! With that in mind, here are 10 […]

Growing with God Coronavirus Response Lesson
Catechetical Issues & Topics

A Coronavirus Response Lesson

Any experience in life—whether good or bad—is an opportunity to learn. That holds true for this Coronavirus threat that we are experiencing and enduring. We are all learning how to adapt to the unique situations that we find ourselves in. As always, it is up to us adults to make sure that children are learning the right lessons from the experiences that affect them. With that in mind, Loyola Press has created a special lesson […]

All In by Porter Moser - book cover and author headshot

Bringing Sports and Faith Together: “All In” by Coach Porter Moser

Early on in my career, I was once gently criticized by a colleague for using too many sports metaphors in my writing and speaking. Having taught religion for a decade in an all-boys high school, I found that references to sports resonated with my students, and so I relied on them quite often. My colleague suggested that sports references were “masculine” and excluded the girls. Perhaps there was a time when this was true, but we […]

healthy salad - image by RitaE from Pixabay

Lent: Helping People to Live Differently

Many advertisements not only entice us to purchase a product, but they also invite us to prioritize our lives around an idea. Some of the best examples of this are diet plans, which are no longer just about losing a few pounds but adopting a new lifestyle. When I stroll into the kitchen at Loyola Press during lunchtime, I see various coworkers meticulously preparing their dishes according to the philosophy and strategy of whatever plan […]

A Prayer for Catechists - text next to icons indicating forms of prayer

A Prayer for Catechists: Stories of Scripture

This prayer originally appeared in my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox: How to Thrive as a Religious Education Teacher. Download a PDF version of the prayer here. For more resources on Scripture in faith formation, see: Putting Scripture Front and Center in Faith Formation Are You Biblically Animated? Introducing Catholics to the Bible: Free Parent-Child Session “What’s Your Story?” Inviting Children into a Healthy Narrative Bible Bell Work Biblical Literacy for Catechists

Reconciliation illustration - copyright Loyola Press - All rights reserved

Lent Is a Time to “Name the Sin” Without Dwelling On It

Catholics have a reputation for dwelling on sin. “Catholic guilt” is a phrase that many of us are all-too-familiar with. In recent decades, however, there has been a shift away from focusing on sin and avoiding heaping guilt on people. While well-intended (Guilt can indeed be paralyzing for some people.), this shift has resulted in a lack of understanding about the importance of “naming the sin.” In 12-step groups, it is taught that confronting and […]

prayer for fasting - text on purple background

A Prayer for Fasting

Loving Father, your Son, Jesus, was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert where he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. There, he learned to rely on you and not on bread alone. May the same Holy Spirit guide me as I enter into this experience of fasting. May this fast remind me of my complete dependence on you and your grace. May it unite me in solidarity with those who suffer from […]

baseball pitcher

Lent: Learning to Throw a Change-Up to Keep the Enemy Off-Balance

The beginning of Lent often coincides with the beginning of spring training and the reporting of pitchers and catchers, so I can’t help but dip into my bag of sports metaphors to talk about Lent. Lent is an opportunity to step back from ordinary activities and to make some shifts in our approach to life in order to keep “the enemy” off-balance and to deepen our connection with God. It’s the spiritual equivalent of throwing […]

reader feedback
Being a Catechist

How Would You Like That “Cooked”? A Poll Question About Catechist Formation

When you go to a restaurant and order an entrée, depending on what you’re getting, the server may ask, “How would you like that cooked?” It’s nice to have options so that the meal will be prepared in a way that suits your tastes. When it comes to catechist formation, we also have many options. Catechist formation can be “served up” in a variety of formats, depending on your preferences and learning style. With that […]