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Joys and Frustrations

A Little Help!

I received the following email from a catechist named Frances who finds herself facing a tough situation. Let’s help her out! Please offer your comments and suggestions! Thank you for all your e-mails. I need some help, I teach CCD I have a 12 year old boy who has an attitude and no matter what I say he says he doesn’t believe in God, when he asked so who made God, I said Himself, he responded how convenient, […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Picture This!

I don’t post photos of my class here on my blog but my class is pictured in the latest newsletter (pg. 2) of the School of Religion on the Most Holy Redeemer Parish Website. Take a look at the happy faces! Also, take note of the very nice newsletter that the program secretary, Lilian Trasko, puts out (electronically) each month! February Newsletter P.S. I’m flattered that they also included one of my articles on the Roman Missal […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Thrown a Curveball

This past Monday, as I prepared to teach my lesson on the Sacraments of Initiation using Learning Stations, I was thrown a curveball. As I entered my classroom to get things set up, I saw that the school teacher who uses that room each day had decided to totally re-arrange the classroom! Yikes! I had been mentally visualizing exactly how I was going to set up my learning stations only to find that the furniture […]

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Joys and Frustrations

From the Mouths of Babes

The following is from 5th grade catechist, Bob, from Lemont, IL. Enjoy! 🙂 During class last evening, we were gathered around our prayer table practicing our required prayers for 5th grade.  I asked the class what other prayer they would like to practice that we have not done as a class yet.  One of the students blurted out, “lets practice the prayer we use when we go to confession.”  Then another student raised his hand […]

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Joys and Frustrations

How Old Do They Think I Am?

During last week’s class, as the kids were playing with the Play-Doh I had set out for them, I commented that, when I was a kid, I loved playing with Play-Doh. One of the boys asked, most sincerely without being a smart-aleck, “They had Play-Doh back then?” Ugh!  🙂

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Intermediate Grades

Testing the 4th Grade Waters

As part of my lesson this past Monday, I wanted to emphasize how human beings are the greatest part of God’s creation and I wanted to incorporate the use of the Internet in my classes for the first time. I located a brief YouTube video that shows images of babies growing in the womb. I made sure that the video did not have any images relating to the act of sexual intercourse or the fertilization […]

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Joys and Frustrations

7 + 7 = 14

I enjoyed our catechist meeting last night, especially getting the chance to meet my aide and my fellow 4th-grade catechists. It was also nice to see the 8th grade catechists with whom I teamed these past several years. They needled me about leaving their team and we had a good laugh about it. My aide is a mom who has served in the program for a few years and I believe one of her children […]

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Joys and Frustrations

One Word That Describes How You Feel About Teaching This Year

At my recent workshop in Dallas, I asked the crowd of catechists to think of one word that describes how they feel about the upcoming catechetical year. As expected, the responses ran the gamut. Here’s a small sampling: excited privilege challenge anxious called scared opportunity growth curious faith What one word best describes how YOU feel about the upcoming catechetical year?

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Catechetical Leaders

RCIA Catechists: Getting the Newly Initiated to “Come Back” for Mystagogia

I had a nice discussion last evening with some RCIA coordinators, catechists, and sponsors, who were lamenting how difficult it is to get the newly initiated to return for sessions following the Easter Vigil. (Sounds very similar to the struggle we have getting kids to come back after Confirmation, eh?) The Easter season is to be a period of “mystagogia” (miss-tuh-GO-jyah) – an opportunity to reflect upon the mysteries of our faith (which basically describes […]

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Joys and Frustrations

This is the Day the Lord Has Made…

You may recall from some of my previous posts, that this year, I began each religious education class by inviting the 8th graders to stand and respond “Let us rejoice and be glad!” to my invocation of “This is the day the Lord has made.” This became a very joyful part of our class and the kids routinely responded with great enthusiasm and vigor. Lo and behold, at our end-of-the-year Mass on Monday evening, the […]