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Joys and Frustrations

A Lot Can Happen in 75 Minutes! (part 4)

One last thing to share about Monday evening’s class. I was sharing some ideas with the young people about how they can share their faith in practical ways. (I posted about this earlier). One of the suggestions I offered was to wear a sacramental such as a medal, a cross, a pin, or a scapular. As I was saying this, I glanced over at my aide, Ben, who is a high school sophomore. He started […]

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Joys and Frustrations

A Lot Can Happen in 75 Minutes! (part 3)

In my last 2 posts, I shared how being open to the Holy Spirit can move one’s class in unexpected directions. Today, I can reveal what happens when one (namely ME!) is NOT open to the movement of the Holy Spirit! I like to use audiovisuals in my lessons. So, on Monday evening, I planned to show some segments of the DVD Peter and Paul – segments that would bring to life and complement the […]

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Joys and Frustrations

So Much Can Happen in 75 Minutes! (Part 2)

So, after we spent some time in discussion and praying for their classmate Joe who had died suddenly last Friday (as I described yesterday), I transitioned the young people into a guided reflection. I had planned on doing the guided reflection first this week as opposed to saving it to the end of class. It turns out that this was probably a good thing since they were already in a prayerful state of mind. Thank […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Welcome to My New Look!

Well, I still look the same but my blog has a new look! I hope you enjoy this new look. To mark the 2nd anniversary of Catechist’s Journey, my site has undergone a little “face-lift.” In addition to the new look, my blog has also been integrated into the new Loyola Press Web site ( I hope you take a moment to explore the site and the wealth of resources that Loyola Press now offers […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Catch-Up Catechesis – Kids Out of Sequence

I hate the phrase “catch-up” catechesis but you know what I’m talking about…kids who come to R.E. programs having missed some years of R.E. and having missed reception of First Penance, First Communion, or Confirmation. Think this is a small problem for DREs? Think again. I recently asked a number of DREs to share some thoughts on this issue and here is a glimpse of what I got. You’re welcome to add your thoughts and […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Guess Who My New Aide Is?

For the first 4 weeks of the program, I was working without an aide. Each time the DRE thought she had someone lined up, they would back out at the last minute. (Further evidence that recruiting catechists and aides is one of the hardest parts of the DREs job!). Finally, last night, I walked into class and there was my new aide. I broke into the biggest smile. Let me tell you why. 2 years […]

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Joys and Frustrations

What If I Don't Want to Be Confirmed?

One of my students has asked me the following question twice now in 4 weeks: “If we don’t want to be confirmed, we don’t have to right? It’s supposed to be our choice, right?” I’ve told her both times that she is correct but that this is a decision she needs to talk over with her parents. Obivously, there’s something going on there. I hope to find an opportunity to chat with her to see […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Holy Spirit as Advocate

Overall, Week 3 (last night’s class) went very well. Along the way, however, I encountered a few things that I’m not satisfied with and hope to change. Here’s the run-down: We began with a brief prayer and I thought I would introduce the idea of the young people sharing petitions – very simply, thanking God for blessings and praying for the needs of others and/or our own needs. I gave a few examples and told them […]

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Joys and Frustrations

A Catechist in Need!

Calling all catechists! We have a fellow catechist in need. Ross sent me the following: I have a particular problem in that I have recently taken over a class of 20 children of different ages. Although qualified as a teacher I have have no previous teaching as a catechist. I only have half an hour each week to do this. The Children range from K1 (kindergarten) to year 6. Any help would be appreciated – regards […]

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Creative Moments

A Very Good Start!

Last night was my first class of the R.E. year and I couldn’t be more delighted with how things turned out! Here are the highlights: I arrived to discover that there is no period 1 class (5:30 – 6:45 pm) taking place in my room which means that I can get there nice and early each week and set my room up without rushing! I have a very large room this year…no desks…just tables and chairs. […]