Touched by the Sacred – Let’s Hear Your Story

Beautiful story from Karen: I teach RCIA for kids (2nd – 6th grades). During Lent, right before they will be baptized, we do the Stations of the Cross. We have some posters that I put up around the room and down the hallway. At the last minute, I decided to add a candle for each one since they had really enjoyed lighting the one we used for our opening prayer each week. We went through […]

What’s Your Story? Touching the Sacred

Here’s a beautiful story from Jean about how a moment when she felt touched by the presence of God in her catechetical ministry. Shortly before my class was to make their first Communion, one of the mothers said she did not believe her son was ready since he was unable to answer the questions in the Baltimore Catechism. I explained that we had used a different book and approach to teaching. She was dubious so […]

Week Three of Stories on the Journey – Touching the Sacred

I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful stories you’ve been sending in for Stories on the Journey, our summer renewal experience here on Catechist’s Journey! If you’ve just joined us, take a look: Week One: How Did I Get Into This? Week Two: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things Now, it’s on to Week Three and our topic is: Touching the Sacred – describe a time when you really and truly felt the presence of God […]

A Weekend of Stories on the Journey – How Did I Get Into This?

As we enter into this first full weekend of June, I invite you to share your story (and enjoy reading others’ stories) about becoming a catechist. This summer experience – Stories on the Journey – is off to a great start! Thanks to so many of you for sharing such inspirational stories about your calling to the catechetical ministry. If you’re just joining us, here’s what we’re up to. All summer long, I will be […]

How Did I Get Into This? Stories on the Journey

How did you become a catechist? Toni writes the following: Let’s just say that our Lord planted the seed in my heart well before I finally made the leap. I had thought about volunteering in previous years but never did. It was late August the year my daughter was to enter 5th grade. At Mass one Sunday, our DRE was at the pulpit requesting volunteers for Catechesis. I again felt that tug — “should I?”, […]

Telling Stories on the Journey

Last evening, at our end-of-the-year catechist meeting, my favorite part was when our DRE, Arlene, invited catechists to share stories of highlights or “Aha!” moments from this past year. It was very heart-warming to hear people sharing stories of how they connected with the kids they taught in the past year. One catechist, in particular, talked about how he made a prayer box for his 7th graders and invited the kids to write prayer intentions […]

One Word to Describe Your Year as a Catechist

During last evening’s Webinar (for which a recording will be available soon right here on my blog), I asked catechists to choose one word that summarizes their year as a catechist. Here’s a sample of some of the words that came up most: enlightening­­  exhausting­­ uplifting­­ rewarding­ growth ­­serving­­ whirlwind ­­exciting­­ different ­­busy­ comprehensive   ­­love­­  adjustment ­­challenging­­ hectic­­ powerful­­ loving­ ­connected­ ­learning ­eventful ­struggle­ ­exposure­   ­effortful­  ­fulfilling ­surprising­ ­changing­ ­compromise­ ­special­ ­enjoyable­ ­enriching­ […]

Las Posadas

In a very tiny way, I can relate to the journey of Joseph and Mary as they left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem: it just so happens that I’m moving from one workspace to another! Although the distance of my journey will only be about 50 feet, it is a small reminder that we are all pilgrims on a much grander journey! I was thinking that I should add a dramatic flare to my move […]

Becoming a Catechist: What's YOUR Story?

At this time of the year, many people are being asked to consider the possibility of becoming a catechist for next year. This is a monumental responsibility of the catechetical leader: to discern which individuals God may be calling to this privileged vocation. By the same token, those who are invited to serve as catechists are faced with discerning whether or not this is their vocation. Part of that discernment is listening to the stories […]

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