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Happy Thanksgiving

On this U.S. Thanksgiving Day, we pause with family and friends to share gratitude for all good gifts from God. This video is by my colleague Vinita Hampton Wright and includes her poem, “What Everyone Ought to Know about Being Grateful.” Find a PDF of the poem here and more from Vinita at the dotMagis blog.

Martin Luther King Jr.

A Call to Be “Maladjusted” from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we celebrate this Martin Luther King holiday, we will no doubt hear and see the words of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech countless times. And while I love that speech and the concept of working toward the fulfillment of a dream (the essence of the Kingdom of God), perhaps my favorite concept from Dr. King was his call for us to be “maladjusted” to the many injustices that infiltrate our culture. Here’s […]

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Mother’s Day – Trusting that God Knows Best

In honor of Mother’s Day, I share with you the following brief reflection from Amy Welborn’s A Catholic Woman’s Book of Days: There is no way I could have imagined, at the beginning of any of my pregnancies, who the child within me would turn out to be. Oh, I had my hopes and dreams, but in more than twenty years of watching the fruit of my womb grow, I have found, without exception, that […]