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Joe's Comings and Goings

Rest in Peace, Uncle Joe!

I’m saddened this morning by the loss of my Uncle Joe, my Dad’s younger brother, and my last living uncle. Next to my Dad, he was one of the men I admired most in life and I am proud to have been named after him. He attended the same high school I did – St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago – and had a long and fruitful association with the Jesuits. He was always very […]

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Start the New Year Right: Get SPIRITUALLY Fit!

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions that include getting physically fit. Nothing wrong with that! However, there’s another kind of fitness that is equally if not more important: spiritual fitness. Why not make a commitment this New Year to pay attention to your spiritual wellness? With that in mind, I’m happy to announce the publication of my new book: 7 KEYS TO SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: ENRICHING YOUR FAITH BY STRENGTHENING THE HEALTH OF YOUR SOUL […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Catechist’s Journey 5th Anniversary – Question #4

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of my blog, Catechist’s Journey, we’re hosting a little contest. Each day this week, I’m posting a video in which I ask a trivia question and, in order to correctly answer, you’ll need to go back and look at one of my posts. The first person to post a comment with the correct answer will win a prize! Here are the prizes: Monday: Three Children’s books by Amy Welborn: Book of […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Catechist’s Journey 5th Anniversary – Question #3

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of my blog, Catechist’s Journey, we’re hosting a little contest. Each day this week, I’m posting a video in which I ask a trivia question and, in order to correctly answer, you’ll need to go back and look at one of my posts. The first person to post a comment with the correct answer will win a prize! Here are the prizes: Monday: Three Children’s books by Amy Welborn: Book of […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Catechist’s Journey 5th Anniversary – Question #2

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of my blog, Catechist’s Journey, we’re hosting a little contest. Each day this week, I’m posting a video in which I ask a trivia question and, in order to correctly answer, you’ll need to go back and look at one of my posts. The first person to post a comment with the correct answer will win a prize! Here are the prizes: Monday: Three Children’s books by Amy Welborn: Book of […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Catechist’s Journey 5th Anniversary – Question #1

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of my blog, Catechist’s Journey, we’re hosting a little contest. Each day this week, I’ll post a video in which I ask a trivia question and, in order to correctly answer, you’ll need to go back and look at one of my posts. The first person to post a comment with the correct answer will win a prize! Good luck! Here’s question #1: httpv://

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Happy Anniversary, Catechist’s Journey! 5 Years!

Can you believe that Catechist’s Journey is about to celebrate its 5th anniversary? Yup, it was on December 12, 2006, that I launched this effort to share my journey as a catechist and to walk with you on your catechist’s journey. Along the way, we have covered many topics, had a lot of fun, dealt with some serious business, shared creative ideas, and solved most of the world’s problems! 🙂 To celebrate this milestone, we’re […]

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Comings & Goings

Mid-South Catholic Leadership Conference – Lake Barkley, KY

One of the perks of traveling is, in addition to meeting so many wonderful people, visiting some beautiful locations around the country. Today, I had the privilege of speaking at the Mid-South Catholic Leadership Conference held at Lake Barkley, KY (about 90 minutes south of Nashville, TN). Indeed, I got to spend time with some wonderful catechetical leaders, catechists, diocesan staff, (and even a bishop in the audience!) but I also got to enjoy the […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You, Green Bay!

No, I’m not thanking Green Bay for anything the Packers have done recently! I’m sending my sincere thanks to all the good folks up there who hosted a couple of wonderful catechetical events that they invited me to speak at. On Wednesday, October 26, I spent the evening with about 250 catechists in Appleton, WI, talking about The Catechist’s Toolbox. What an outstanding turnout! The next day, I spent the morning with about 75 catechetical […]