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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Steve Lascola Begins Class With Prayer

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 3rd grade catechist Steve Lascola’s aide leading the children in an opening prayer. Watch for the following: Steve’s aide asks the children for prayers for a member of the catechetical family who has passed away and shows her own emotions over losing a friend…a very moving and appropriate witness of the love that is present in the parish family. Steve welcomes the children after the prayer […]

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40 Ways to Foster Prayer in Your Home

During the Hofinger Catechetical Conference in New Orleans last weekend, I had the pleasure of sitting in on a couple of excellent presentations given by my friend and colleague Tom McGrath, whose specialty is family faith. Tom distributed and made reference to a handout that he has developed called Forty Ways to Foster Prayer in Your Home which is drawn from his book Raising Faith-Filled Kids. Although I have seen this handout before, I was […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Dan Ward Leads His Class in Prayer

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 7th grade catechist Dan Ward leading his class in a brief opening prayer. Watch for the following: Me settling my camera down! 🙂 Dan gently inquiring with one of his students about a special prayer intention. What I’ve been referring to as Dan’s “coach approach” – he talks to the kids as though he’s preparing them to “get into the game.” Dan expounds a bit on […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Tim Tebow, Sports, and Prayer

Sports is HUGE with kids, so no doubt, kids are interested in the success of Tim Tebow and all the talk about the “miracles” associated with his success, including yesterday’s stunning overtime victory in the NFL playoffs. In case you’re not up-to-date on the whole Tebow phenomenon, here’s a quick summary. For kids, the question that the whole Tim Tebow experience raises is whether or not God answers our prayers when it comes to things […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Nick Begins Class with Prayer

As we continue viewing 5th grade catechist Nick Yonto’s session, we now reach the point where class is formally beginning with prayer. Watch for the following: Nick’s aide arrives with the prayer cloth and they re-arrange the prayer table. The children gather around the prayer table for announcements and prayer (remember, I’m not showing children’s faces in order to protect their privacy) The prayer is led over the PA…the children’s responsorial response is printed on […]

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Creative Moments

9/11 Prayers for Peace

I received the following from Jennifer about what her class did on 9/11 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the tragedy and to pray for peace. Great job, Jennifer! Joe, I thought you might appreciate what my 8th grade CCD class did on September 11. I’ve copied the email sent to their parents. I’m so proud of them. Thanks, too, for The Catechist’s Toolbox and recent webinar on teaching jr. high classes which have been great […]

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A Lenten Prayer Service

This past Monday, we gathered with the children in church for a Lenten Prayer Service (about 30 minutes) with the pastor. I thought the service was very nicely prepared and executed. As we waited to begin, one of the 2nd grade catechists got up and asked all the 2nd grade children to stand and sing “This Little Light of Mine” which was an appropriate pre-processional and served to gather hearts, minds, and voices. I saw some […]

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Welcome Advent! A Prayer Service

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did! 🙂 Here we are in the First Week of Advent! Hard to believe this great season of joyful anticipation is upon us already. Tonight, we’ll be celebrating an Advent Prayer service with the kids in church. I had the privilege of working with my DRE, Arlene, to put together the prayer service. Here it is: Advent 2010 Prayer Service After the prayer service, […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

A Handout for Leading Spontaneous Prayer

One person who participated in my Leading Prayer Webinar (I’m still gonna get that recording up here for y’all…hang in there!) was Jonathan Sullivan who is the Director of the Catechetical Ministries Office for the Diocese of Springfield, IL. Jonathan posted about how much he enjoyed the Webinar (thanks for the shout-out, Jonathan!) and has developed an excellent handout describing how to lead spontaneous prayer relying on the “you, who, do, through” method. Pay attention […]