Jesus Teaching on the Seashore - Images - rosary icon by bortonia/DigitalVision/Getty Images

The Luminous Mysteries: The Proclamation of the Kingdom and Another Way of Being Human

We continue our reflections on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary as we explore the Third Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The concept of the kingdom of God (also referred to as the kingdom of heaven or the reign of God) is the very heart and soul of Jesus’ message. It is what Jesus is all about. It is who Jesus is. If Jesus were running a campaign for public office, his […]

Wedding Feast at Cana - Perry Mastrovito/Getty Images - rosary icon by bortonia/DigitalVision/Getty Images

The Luminous Mysteries: The Wedding at Cana and a Banquet Mentality

We continue our reflections on the Luminous Mysteries. Today, we focus on the second Mystery of Light, which is the Wedding Feast at Cana. Perhaps one of the most striking images of God’s generosity and what I like to call a “banquet mentality” can be found in the story of Jesus’s first miracle at the wedding at Cana (John 2:1–11). Jesus, his mother, and his disciples were attending a wedding feast in Cana when the […]

Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan - sedmak/iStock/Getty Images - rosary icon by bortonia/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

The Luminous Mysteries: The Baptism of Jesus and How God Entered the Muck

As we enter into the last months of Ordinary Time, let’s reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary over the next few weeks. In 2002, St. Pope John Paul II proposed a fourth set of mysteries—the Mysteries of Light, or Luminous Mysteries, which cover events in the life of Jesus and Mary during the Lord’s public ministry. The First Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, an event which was […]

girl in stillness - photo by Jaren Jai Wicklund/
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Cultivating Stillness

In the First Book of Kings, we read an interesting story about how God makes himself known to us. The prophet Elijah is told to go out on a mountain and wait for the Lord to pass by. A mighty wind passes by, “but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was […]

Wanderlight Catholic video game
Technology in Catechesis

A Video Game That Slows Children Down and Brings the Family Together?

Two of the common gripes parents have about video games are that they often get children too riled up and they interfere with family time, since most games are played individually or with just one other player. Even when parents or grandparents volunteer to be the other player, we often find the game to be too fast for us to keep up with! Now, there is a video game that can actually help children to […]

No Picture

Contributors to Catechist’s Journey

Bob Burnham, OFS, is a catechist for both high-school youth and the RCIA at Resurrection Catholic Church in Wayne, Illinois. In addition to being involved in youth ministry, he is a spiritual director, speaker, and writer. Bob is the author of Little Lessons from the Saints and Little Lessons from the Mystics. Bob is also the councilor for youth and young adults in the Mother Cabrini Regional Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order. Read his blog about the […]

Catechists as Mystagogues - text over watercolor background by Sergey Ryumin/Moment/Getty Images
Being a Catechist

Catechists as Mystagogues: Leading Others to Encounter the Risen One

There’s a big difference between telling someone, “I can tell you a lot about __________” (Fill in the blank with the name of any celebrity.) and “I’d like to introduce you to ___________.” (Fill in the blank with the same name.) Often faith formation has been thought of and approached as a version of the first option above: a vehicle for telling others about Jesus Christ. This boils down to the teaching of a subject. […]

Eucharistic Adoration Cards
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Eucharistic Adoration Cards

Young people who are first being exposed to Eucharistic Adoration may wonder what to do during the silent time spent in front of the Most Holy Sacrament. Encourage them to have a conversation with Jesus with our downloadable Eucharistic Adoration Cards as a guide. The cards include prompts for conversation with Jesus, such as, “Tell Jesus what you are most excited about,” or, “Ask Jesus for the help you need in the days to come.” […]

GRACE: Embrace Simplicity - text on green background next to cover of "Braving the Thin Places"
Spiritual Growth

Embracing Simplicity

We conclude our series on developing a space for grace by exploring the importance of embracing simplicity. Helping our students embrace simplicity for a positive and healthy life should be a part of our conversations about faith, mission, and the stewardship of all the resources that God has entrusted to us. Here are a few entry points for a conversation about this topic. Look at the witness of Pope Francis. When Pope Francis was elected, […]

Catechists as Mystagogues - text over watercolor background by Sergey Ryumin/Moment/Getty Images
Being a Catechist

Catechists as Mystagogues: Telling Stories of the Mighty Deeds of the Lord

People demand to see results. That’s nothing new. Before we purchase something, we want to hear and see unsolicited endorsements from previous purchasers. Before we vote for someone, we want to know about the candidate’s previous accomplishments. So, it should come as no surprise that, when John the Baptist found himself imprisoned for “campaigning” on behalf of Jesus, he (John) sent some of his disciples to Jesus to confirm that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. […]