Adaptive Sacramental Preparation Kits from Loyola Press
Special Needs

Bringing Children with Disabilities to the Sacraments

Most of us are familiar with the tool for cropping an image on our computer or smartphone. While we intentionally crop images to center attention on a specific focal point, sometimes we unintentionally crop out features that are critical to telling the whole story. For too long, people with disabilities have been “cropped out” of the total picture of our faith communities. When Loyola Press courageously decided to create faith formation resources for people with […]

Adaptive Finding God Concept Stories
Special Needs

Focus on Those with Disabilities: U.S. Bishops Speak

At the most recent plenary meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Orlando, FL, the bishops approved the drafting of a new pastoral statement to address the role of persons with disabilities in the life of the Church. The U.S. bishops’ last pastoral statement on persons with disabilities was published in 1978, so this is a great opportunity to refocus attention on our brothers and sisters with disabilities and to incorporate current language […]

National Eucharistic Revival - bread and wine wheat and grapes
Liturgy and Sacraments

The Eucharistic Revival and Inclusion

As we journey deeper into our Eucharistic Revival, let’s be mindful of our responsibility to call all of God’s people to the Table of the Lord, especially those with disabilities! Recently, the National Community of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL) hosted an online conference that focused on inclusive catechesis that engages learners of differing abilities. One session in that conference featured the work of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) and was presented by the Executive […]

Pop-Up Prayer hosted by Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Prayer: Guest Ana Barraza

We continue our summer series, Pop-Up Prayer—brief interviews on the topic of prayer with prominent people in pastoral ministry from all over the country! In this episode, Ana Barraza talks about strategies for leading prayer for those with disabilities. Ana currently serves in the Diocese of Sacramento, CA, and has been involved in ministry for over 25 years as a catechist, youth minister, parish catechetical leader, music minister, retreat director, and special education teacher. Be sure […]

Featured Video
Special Needs

Five Tips for Teaching Children with Autism

Deacon Larry Sutton, author of Teaching Students with Autism in a Catholic Setting, shares five of his tips for making the academic year enjoyable and productive for teachers and students. Watch the below video for a preview of the hints, and then read the full article that inspired the video: Five Tips for Teaching Children with Autism.

Featured Video
Being a Catechist

Five Hints to Setting Up a Good Classroom

Deacon Larry Sutton, author of Teaching Students with Autism in a Catholic Setting, shares five of his tips for setting up a good classroom. Watch the below video for a preview of the hints, and then read the full article that inspired the video: Hints to Setting Up a Good Classroom. Looking to build your classroom library? Enter to win the Harwood Mysteries trilogy from Loyola Press. Three winners will be selected at the end […]

Adaptive Finding God Concept Stories
Special Needs

Faith Formation Resources (Digital and Otherwise) for Those with Disabilities

In the midst of the pandemic and the surge in remote learning, one group deserves special attention: those with disabilities, whose needs are too often overlooked, even in normal circumstances. With this in mind, Loyola Press has made a number of adaptive resources available in digital format, since all children deserve an opportunity to discover our faith and build a relationship with God. Be sure to check out the following Adaptive Finding God resources that […]

teacher talk bubbles illustration

Three Ways to Reduce Teacher Talk

Here are a few easy ways to simplify your communication in the classroom. [Find more ways to reduce teacher talk in The Adaptive Teacher.] Awareness and effort: Listen to yourself while giving instructions, and become more aware of the amount of verbiage you use. Ask yourself, How can I say this in fewer words? You’ll be amazed at how many extra, needless words are in your instructions. Become more comfortable with silence: Catechists and teachers […]

Best Practices for Creating a Welcoming Learning Environment - text with image from The Adaptive Teacher book

Best Practices for Creating a Welcoming Learning Environment

Create a welcoming learning environment in your parish or school with “an attitude that aims to receive and treat everyone in the same warm, friendly, and generous way” (Charleen Katra). Download a free poster of 20 best practices excerpted from The Adaptive Teacher: Faith-Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities by John E. Barone and Charleen Katra. Post this in the faculty lounge or another gathering space to remind teachers and catechists of […]

The Adaptive Teacher: Faith-Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities - book cover with images of authors John E. Barone and Charleen Katra

Becoming an Adaptive Teacher/Catechist and Including Those with Disabilities

Whenever I go out to eat with a group of people, I quickly scan the seating arrangements at the table and select a location that will be acceptable to me. No, I’m not looking for a place of honor at the head of the table! I’m looking for a location that will enable me to most effectively hear and enter into the conversation taking place. Why? Because I am hearing impaired. I have profound hearing loss in […]