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Comings & Goings


I had the most wonderful time in Bridgeport, CT, yesterday, spending the day with about 150 of the nicest people in the world (I know, I always say that, but HEY, catechetical ministers are some of the nicest people in the whole world!). Thanks to Carol Pinard (director of the catechetical office) and all the good folks of Bridgeport for their hospitality! Here’s a peek:

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Sharing Stories

Las Posadas

In a very tiny way, I can relate to the journey of Joseph and Mary as they left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem: it just so happens that I’m moving from one workspace to another! Although the distance of my journey will only be about 50 feet, it is a small reminder that we are all pilgrims on a much grander journey! I was thinking that I should add a dramatic flare to my move […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Videos for Religious Education

Here is a resource that you’ll find very helpful: it is a correlation of catechetical video resources for grades 1-8. While it is specifically correlated for the Finding God program, I have no doubt that the resource list will prove handy for folks using any curriculum. The list provides publisher and ISBN information to assist you in tracking down resources through your diocesan media center or directly from publishers.

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Quote of the Week

Once a week, I plan to post a particularly significant quote from a particularly significant catechetical document, for inspiration and edification. I hope you enjoy this new feature! Catechesis acquires certain characteristics in virtue of being an “essential moment” in the process of evangelization, in the service of Christian initiation. It is [a] comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith. [T]his comprehensive formation includes more than instruction: it is an apprenticeship of the entire Christian […]