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Intermediate Grades

Starting the 2nd Half of the Year by Reviewing the 1st Half

After 2 weeks off for the Christmas holidays, religious education sessions are scheduled to be back in session tomorrow evening. Of course, we’re keeping an eye on the weather here in Chicago. Schools are closed today with a foot of snow on the ground and temps at -10 degrees (for a high!). Tomorrow it’s supposed to get up to a balmy zero degrees for a high! In the Book of Job, God responds to Job’s laments […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Marge Introduces the Theme for the Session

In this segment of Catechists in Action, Marge Garbacz introduces the theme for the evening’s RCIA session (Human Dignity), drawn from Practice Makes Catholic. Watch for the following: Marge nicely ties in the theme for the evening, human dignity, with the Gospel reading just reflected on (the Man Born Blind). Marge describes how I introduce the theme of human dignity in Practice Makes Catholic by talking about a song from the musical Chicago: Mr. Cellophane to emphasize […]

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When the Snow Melts Away…a Lenten Thought

Here in Chicago, we had a blizzard in February that dumped 20 inches of snow. Most of it is gone now, melting in the ever-so-slowly rising temperatures. Occasionally, however, one comes across the vestiges of a huge mountain of snow left behind by the snow plows. Underneath all of that snow, what do we find? Lots of MUCK! (see pic below) It soon becomes apparent that it’s time for spring cleaning! It seems to me […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Dinner with 600 (give or take) of My Best Friends!

Last night, my wife and I had the pleasure of attending the annual Chicago Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet at the Drury Lane in Oak Brook. This wonderful affair is a celebration of all things catechetical and is attended by over 600 catechists, DREs, pastors, and archdiocesan officials, including Cardinal Francis George, OMI, the Archbishop of Chicago. The evening is an opportunity for the Archdiocese to recognize 8 Archdiocesan honorees as well as a bevy […]