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Discussion Questions for Under the Influence of Jesus!

I am very excited to share this news with you: discussion questions for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Thanks to my good friend and co-worker, Carrie Freyer, and to the Marketing Department at Loyola Press for designing this resource and making it available for folks! These discussion questions make it possible for small faith groups and book discussion groups to spend some time reflecting […]

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Adult Faith Formation

Iced Coffee Catechesis – A Well-Built Faith

I’ve already mentioned to you the Lawn Chair Catechism being hosted by which is using my book,  A Well-Built Faith: A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe, this summer. Now, I find word that a parish in Andover, MA, is also using AWBF for what they call “Iced Coffee Catechesis!” Here’s their blurb: Iced Coffee Catechesis Pope Francis reminds us that joy is ours in Christ – a joy ever new – […]

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My Blog Tour Heads to Downstate Illinois: Jonathan Sullivan

Ah, there’s nothing like traveling through the cornfields of Illinois on my way downstate! My blog tour today takes me to the state capitol of Springfield where Jonathan Sullivan serves as the Diocesan Director of Catechetical Services. Anyone know who the bishop is down there? 😉 I’ve spoken of Jonathan before on my blog and continue to admire him and see him as one of the brightest minds in catechetical ministry in our country today. […]

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Comings & Goings

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership

This week, I am thrilled to once again have the opportunity to not only attend but also to present at the annual National Conference for Catechetical Leadership which is taking place in St. Louis, MO! I will be doing 2 presentations: Tuesday, May 20 (11:45 am – 1:00 pm) Thriving Under the Influence: The Intoxicating Experience of Encountering Christ Tuesday, May 20 (4:30 pm – 5:45 pm) Unleashing Your Imagination: Getting and Sustaining the Good […]

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Great Review for Under the Influence of Jesus!

Thanks to U.S. Catholic (May, 2014 issue) for a very positive review of my book Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. The review, by Alfred J. Garrotto, says the following: Joe Paprocki’s latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus, models adult faith formation at its best: faith-full, contemporary, and applicable to everyday life. Readers who approach this book with the “same-old, same-old” expectations risk missing both its evangelical passion and […]

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Bishops – Under the Influence of Jesus

About a month ago, I sent a signed copy of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, to every Catholic bishop in the U.S. Since then, I’ve received dozens of cards and letters from the bishops in response! Many of them are commenting about this book being an excellent resource for the New Evangelization!

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Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

I know little about the Greek language, however, when I was in my Doctor of Ministry program, one of my classmates was an Orthodox priest who taught me that their Easter greeting is “Christos Anesti!” which means, “Christ is Risen!” to which the response is “Alithos Anesti!” or “Indeed, He is Risen!” or “Truly, He is Risen!” And so, this Easter, instead of simply wishing you a “Happy Easter,” my greeting to you is, Christ […]

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Intermediate Grades

Preparing for Our Mercy Experience – Permission Forms, etc.

Tonight, before taking the kids to church for their monthly Mass, we will focus on our upcoming Mercy Experience (formerly known as service projects!). On April 21, we will be going to the Ronald McDonald House near Advocate Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL, to prepare and serve supper for about 30 people currently residing there. Kudos to my DRE, Deb, and to St. Cajetan for strongly suggesting that EVERY grade of religious education be […]

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Under the Influence of Jesus

Final Installment of Comments and Questions from Under the Influence Webinar

Here is the final installment of some more wonderful comments and questions from last evening’s Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. I find that when I am not at peace all the others become more difficult to demonstrate, easier when I am at peace, trusting God. (Ron W.) I wonder how to say “sourpuss” in Latin. I’m picturing the translators debating whether to use “sourpuss” or […]

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Under the Influence of Jesus

More Comments and Questions from Under the Influence Webinar

Here are some more wonderful comments and questions from last evening’s Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. Love your reference to the lightness of being in children.   I teach first graders and they remind me of this everyday when we stop our day to teach Religion and kearn about the love of the Trinity. (Kathleen K.) The idea of simplicity in how we approach others […]