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Being a Catechist

Strategies for Communicating with Parents

Kathryn Bojczyk, Ph.D., suggests strategies to improve communication about faith formation and to encourage more parent involvement. Watch the below video for a preview of the strategies, and then read the full article that inspired the video: Eight Strategies for Communicating with Parents.

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Leading a Parish Program

Catechists and Catechetical Leaders: How Often Do You Talk to One Another?

During my years at Loyola Press, I have had the joy of working with and reporting to a number of directors who can vouch for the fact that one of the first things I ask from them is a regular meeting (weekly or bi-weekly) to ensure that we have open and ongoing communication. Without such communication, any relationship suffers. So when it comes to catechists and catechetical leaders, I must ask the question: how often […]

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Fostering Communication with Parents

As catechists, we want to partner with parents as closely as possible on their child’s faith formation journey, but we are often frustrated with the lack of interaction we have with the parents of those we teach. Recently, I received the following question from a catechist named Susanne: “Any tried and true ways to get information to and from parents of third graders? I find paper notes left behind in class, folders never coming back […]

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Technology in Catechesis

Using E-mail in Your Religious Education Program

Whether using it to work, to keep in touch, to learn, or to conduct business, e-mail has become an integral part of how we communicate. Add to this our ability to access e-mail through mobile devices, and we can clearly see its benefit as a communication tool for religious education programs. A Few Things About E-mail E-mail is flexible. While Facebook and Twitter are great for reaching your entire parent community with broad-based messaging, e-mail […]