Catechists in Action
Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action: Nick Concludes His Lesson

In this segment of Catechists in Action, fifth-grade catechist Nick Yonto wraps up his lesson on the Eucharist. Watch for the following as Nick: invites the children to remember the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and prods them to re-construct the story. emphasizes how Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread and links the discussion to the BIG IDEA of his class: Eucharist. invites the children imagine they […]

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Catechists in Action – Nick Teaches the Lesson

We’ve been watching 5th grade catechist Nick Yonto as he did preparations for his lesson and then gathered the children for prayer. Now, watch as Nick jumps into his lesson which is on the Eucharist as: memorial, meal, and sacrifice. Watch for how Nick… begins with an engaging question, asking the kids to think of ways in their own lives that they try to remember things (setting the stage for talking about Eucharist as memorial). […]

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Creative Moments

Legacy Mural Workshops

While in Green Bay, WI, last week, I met an artist, Connie Greany, who offers a unique way to reach people and allow them to express themselves through ceramic mural creation. The workshops she offers result in a beautiful mosaic created by the participants. She has a brochure (no Web site) that describes the workshops and provides information on scheduling and costs. You can contact Connie at 920-257-8597 or at Here are some pics she […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks to Richmond, VA!

I had a wonderful weekend in Richmond, VA, doing the keynote and a couple of workshops at their “Graced by God” conference. Thanks to Eileen Brown for arranging for me to speak and to Deacon Ed Schmidt who served as my “personal assistant” throughout the day. I immensely enjoyed meeting Ed and spending the day with him and enjoying lunch with him and his wife. Thanks Ed for your selfless diaconal service, not only to […]

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Special Needs

Catechizing Children with Special Needs

While in Cleveland recently, I had a nice conversation with a husband and wife catechist team who catechize children with special needs. I have great admiration for people who dedicate themselves to this challenging yet wonderful ministry. It was the first opportunity I had to tell people personally about a brand new resource designed for catechizing children with special needs. It is the Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit from Loyola Press. I had the privilege of […]

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End of the Year 4th Grade Assessment

Tonight, I’ll be giving my 4th graders their “end of the year” assessment, as I mentioned last week. Before I do so, I’ll spend some time reviewing some of the major categories of learning from this year: the 7 Sacraments, Parts of the Mass, and the Ten Commandments. I plan to do so using lots of half sheets of paper, markers, masking tape, and the chalk boards. For the Seven Sacraments, I’ll tape 7 blank […]

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Intermediate Grades

A Little Rusty

Last evening’s class went very nicely, however, I really felt like I needed to ovecome some “rust” after a few weeks of not teaching (because of interruptions in the schedule). For one, I forgot to include our little ritual gesture of marking our foreheads, lips, and hearts with the sign of the Cross at the start of class! Didn’t think about it till I got home and was reviewing in my mind how the class […]

teaching fourth grade
Intermediate Grades

Success with Learning Stations (Sacraments of Initiation)

Last evening’s session featuring Learning Stations on the Sacraments of Initiation was a great success! The kids were highly engaged in an activity that invited them to explore the rich symbols of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. I have a complete summary with more pictures below, but I might add here that the only real drawback I experienced was a lack of time (is that any surprise for a catechist?) to be able […]

Eucharist - host over chalice - Marina Seoane © Loyola Press. All rights reserved.
Liturgy and Sacraments

Food for the Journey

Yesterday was quite interesting in terms of contrast. On the one hand, I was part of a First Communion celebration, rejoicing with my young nephew and his family as he received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. On the other hand, I was part of an evening Eucharistic celebration at my mother-in-law’s retirement home, where I was about 40 years younger than most people there. It struck me that the folks at the retirement home […]