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Rest in Peace Catechist Len Astrowski

For a number of years, I served as a catechist at Most Holy Redeemer Parish in Evergreen Park under the direction of Arlene Astrowski, the Director of Religious Education (now retired). It is with great sadness that I pass along the news that her husband, Len, passed away recently. I had the pleasure and privilege of being a catechist alongside Len for several years and even enjoyed videotaping him for our Catechists in Action series. […]

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Rest in Peace, Linda Escamilla

Please remember in your prayers our dear friend and co-worker here at Loyola Press, Linda Escamilla, who passed away today after a long illness. Linda served Loyola Press for 15 years in a number of capacities, all of which enabled her to tirelessly give of herself to others, making sure that everyone on staff had what they needed, from hot coffee to office supplies, to catered meals for important gatherings, to AA batteries that only […]

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Rest in Peace, Victor Valdez: Master Catechist, Faithful Servant, Good Friend

I just learned that a friend of mine passed away last month, July 17, 2013, to be exact. I met Victor Valdez when I was doing a speaking engagement in San Francisco in 2008. Victor suffered from recurring brain tumors his entire life yet he dedicated himself tirelessly to the catechetical ministry. On that visit in 2008, he gave up an entire evening to show me around San Francisco since it was my first trip […]

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Rest in Peace, Tom McLaughlin

Please join me in praying for the repose of the soul of Tom McLaughlin, one of the most brilliant catechetical minds I’ve ever known. I benefitted immensely from “sitting at his feet” over the years. Tom passed away this morning at the age of 64. I met Tom when I was a baby DRE in 1991. I attended sessions at the Office for Catechesis to learn about my new ministry as a catechetical leader. Tom was […]

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Rest in Peace, Mi Hermano, Miguel Arias

I’m saddened to learn of the death of a good friend and one of the best catechists I have ever met, Miguel Arias. Miguel lost his battle with cancer last evening and leaves behind his beautiful wife Alma and their beautiful daughter Bethsaida. I had the privilege of working with Miguel at Loyola Press over these past 7 years or so before he recently returned to Liturgy Training Publications where he began his career. Miguel and […]

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Rest in Peace, Marco Matonich

I just found out that a very talented and loveable colleague passed away after a battle with cancer. Marco Matonich was a pastoral associate, liturgical musician, director of liturgy and evangelization at Divine Providence parish in Westchester, IL. Marco was a unique individual and he spread the love of Christ wherever he went. I am appreciative that he touched my life. May he rest in peace.

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Catechetical Leaders

Congratulations Kevin Cody!

Congratulations to my friend Kevin Cody, DRE at St. Alphonsus in Lemont, IL, on his installation as president of the National Association of Parish Catechetical Directors (NPCD) which is part of the NCEA (National Catholic Education Association). Here’s the story as reported in the current issue of The Sower, the newsletter of the Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago. New President of NPCD Kevin Cody – Catechetical Leader at St. […]