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Creative Moments

Las Posadas, the Augustinians, the Jesuits, and Las Pastorelas

I made mention in my post yesterday that my initial research into the history of Las Posadas indicates some Jesuit origins. Well, you can’t believe everything you read on the Internet! Two of my colleagues – Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg and Miguel Arias – set me straight on the matter. It seems that it was the Augustinians who introduced Las Posadas as a way to evangelize the Aztecs in the 16th century. The Augustinians requested and received […]

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Sharing Stories

Las Posadas

In a very tiny way, I can relate to the journey of Joseph and Mary as they left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem: it just so happens that I’m moving from one workspace to another! Although the distance of my journey will only be about 50 feet, it is a small reminder that we are all pilgrims on a much grander journey! I was thinking that I should add a dramatic flare to my move […]