Listening for God's Voice Within: A Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ
Ignatian Spirituality

Listening for God’s Voice Within: A Lenten Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

I remember, in high school, being told by one of the Jesuit priests to listen for God speaking to me. After several weeks of listening, I told the priest, “This isn’t working. I don’t hear any voices.” He smiled and said, “Ah, I see I need to teach you to listen with your heart instead of with your ears.” It took me a while to understand what it meant to listen with my heart, but […]

A Prayer to Listen to the Holy Spirit - text surrounded by birds on light blue clouds
Prayer/Guided Reflections

A Prayer to Listen to the Holy Spirit

The Scriptures remind us that the voice of God often comes in a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:11–13). Practice listening for God’s voice, and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to your group of Confirmation candidates, catechists, or other adults through a prayer service composed by Julianne Stanz. The prayer is inspired by Shhh…God Is in the Silence by Fiona Basile. A copy of the book is needed for the prayer service readings.

Sound Collector Chart - downloadable activity
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Sound Collector Chart

Listening is an important life skill for relating to others and foundational for a life of prayer. Help children practice listening by inviting them to be sound collectors. This month’s downloadable activity is inspired by The Virtue of Listening by Aleix Cabrera and Vinyet Montaner. Download the Sound Collector Chart to use with young children at home or in classroom settings. Here are some ways to use the chart in faith formation: Collect sounds in […]

illustration of worried young woman with speech bubble
Being a Catechist

Handling Sensitive Conversations

I will never forget a moment in my tenth-grade classroom when the students were sharing all the different ways that our parish family and our own families have helped us to grow in faith. During the conversation one of my students tearfully burst out, “You all keep talking about your mother and father! But my mother is in jail, and I have never met my father. The Church isn’t a family; it doesn’t care about […]

auditory - cartoon man listening

Creative Approaches to Reading from a Textbook: Listen to the Sound of My Voice

Welcome to part two of a four-part series on creative approaches to reading from a textbook in your faith formation sessions. As I mentioned in part one, I have always been an advocate of teaching “beyond the book,” which means that we use the book as a critical resource but not as the be-all-and-end-all of a faith formation session. Since it is our job as catechists to present Catholic teachings fully and faithfully, we rely on […]

girl listening - ready to listen
Spiritual Growth


From time to time I find it helpful to stop what I am doing and listen. I mean really listen. My family has learned to recognize when I am no longer hearing what they are saying to me. I am completely honest when this happens and no longer feel guilty when I say to my spouse or child, “You know, I’m just not listening to you anymore.” We know that any further attempts to convey […]

open Bible
Liturgy and Sacraments

Forming Children and Youth for the Mass, Part 3: Listening to the Word

This is the third article in a series about forming children for active participation in the Mass. To help children listen well to the Word of God at Mass, catechists should provide experiences of Scripture that allow young people to respect the Word, to become aware that Jesus speaks to them through it, and to engage in holy listening.* Respect for the Word From early childhood, students should learn that a reading from the Bible […]