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Mary and the Saints

May Crowning

I just heard from a colleague of mine, a DRE who was a student at Quigley South High School when I taught there back in the 1980s! Patrick says, “Hello Joe! All is well at the parish. We finished a great year on May 3 with a May Crowning with all of the students.” Yes, May Crownings still happen! I remember with great fondness the May Crownings of my childhood…nothing said “spring is here” more […]

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Mary and the Saints

May – The Month of Mary

I remember with great fondness the May Crownings of my childhood…nothing said “spring is here” more powerfully than a good May Crowning. Are May Crownings passe? Hopefully not. As catechists, a May Crowning is a good opportunity for us to help those we teach understand that Catholics do not worship Mary but rather honor her. May Crownings may be considered out of date by some but, with the proper catechesis, they can continue to be […]