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Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry in a Box

I recently came across a new resource that looks very interesting for those seeking to improve their young adult ministry. It’s called Young Adult Ministry in a Box and it’s put out by Busted Halo. Take a look.  

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Joe's Comings and Goings

A More Robust Liturgy – My Article In Ministry & Liturgy Magazine

Here’s an excerpt from an article (“7 Steps to a More Robust Liturgy”) I just had published in Ministry & Liturgy Magazine: On a recent trip to Hawaii, I visited the Polynesian Cultural Center and got a firsthand glimpse of the ritual expression of the Polynesian people: bold, dramatic, rich, deeply expressive, highly energizing. I found my imagination stirred, my heart moved, and my senses stimulated as young people explained and performed ancient rituals to the […]

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Being a Catechist

Catechists in Action – Meet Nick!

This year, I’m excited to bring a new feature to Catechist’s Journey – Catechists in Action – in which I will be visiting, observing, and videotaping catechists teaching their classes and blogging about the experience. This will give you an opportunity to see fellow catechists “doing their thing” so that you can compare styles, learn some new strategies, and become a more effective catechist yourself. I already have 5 catechist visits lined up for this year. […]

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Catechetical Leaders

They’re Here! The “New Generation” of Catechetical Leaders

One of the many benefits of my frequent travels around the country is the opportunity to meet so many diocesan catechetical leaders. I am especially excited to meet young leaders – forty-ish and younger – who make up what I call the “new generation” of catechetical leaders (not the “next” generation, because they are already HERE and making their presence felt!). The Church, and the catechetical ministry per se, is blessed to be energized by […]

stories from the field
Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey Week 2: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things

Welcome to Week 2 of Stories on the Journey, as we continue to share stories about our experiences in the catechetical ministry. This week’s topic is, “Kids (adults too) Say/Do the Darndest Things!” Let’s hear about those unforgettable moments when one of your students (whether a child or an adult) said or did something that cracked you up, made you smile, or simply blew your mind! Share your story by typing in the comment box […]

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Sharing Stories

A Weekend of Stories on the Journey – How Did I Get Into This?

As we enter into this first full weekend of June, I invite you to share your story (and enjoy reading others’ stories) about becoming a catechist. This summer experience – Stories on the Journey – is off to a great start! Thanks to so many of you for sharing such inspirational stories about your calling to the catechetical ministry. If you’re just joining us, here’s what we’re up to. All summer long, I will be […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Practice Makes Catholic Podcast via NCCL

I was privileged to be interviewed for a Catechetical Leader (NCCL) podcast about my new book, Practice Makes Catholic recently. The interview was conducted by Jonathan Sullivan, the Directof of Catechetical Ministries for the Diocese of Springfield, IL. Jonathan is one of the “rising stars” in the catechetical ministry and if you haven’t checked out his blog or his technology webinars, you need to do so! NCCL provides timely and relevant information and support for catechists […]

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Growing as a Catechist

Growing as a Catechist: Self-Evaluation PDFs

As promised, here are the PDFs of the self-evaluation that we used in tonight’s Webinar. GROWING AS A CATECHIST Self Evaluation I encourage you to share this evaluation with another catechist, a group of catechists, or with your DRE. It’s always good for us to reflect on our experience to see how the Holy Spirit is calling us to grow in our ministry.