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Comings & Goings

Celebrating Catechetical Sunday in Mobile, Alabama!

I had the enjoyable privilege of celebrating Catechetical “Sunday” in Mobile, Alabama, today as guest speaker at their archdiocesan Catechist Celebration Day! As always, the Southern hospitality was extraordinary and I enjoyed meeting so many wonderful catechists, catechetical leaders, and youth ministers, not to mention the great folks from the archdiocesan office of Religious Education and Archbishop Rodi, who celebrated Mass with us and had lunch with a Q & A session with the DREs, […]

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Comings & Goings

A SHOUT OUT to Cedar Rapids, IA!

A great big SHOUT OUT to the wonderful folks of the Cedar Rapids Diocore (Diocesan Council of Religious Education) of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, who came out in strong numbers last night to spend the evening with me learning about The Bible Blueprint! We had a great time at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Hiawatha, IA, and I was so inspired by the enthusiasm of these catechists and their catechetical leaders as they […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Thanks, Duluth!

I had a great time Monday afternoon with a wonderful group of DREs, catechists, and pastors at the Minnesota Catholic Education Association. I did a 3-hour stranded session (tiring!) on The Catechist’s Toolbox. One of the most interesting ideas that came out of our discussion was a catechist who was teaching the concept of Church to her class. She arranged to take them on a field trip of sorts. She pre-arranged with 5 families in […]

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Comings & Goings

Delighted to Be in Duluth!

I’m enjoying my first visit to Duluth, MN, and I have to say that it is simply one of the most beautiful lakefronts I have ever seen! I had a wonderfully relaxing afternoon here yesterday, topped off by a nice 5-mile run along the lake walk. Lots of nice quiet time last evening in the hotel room to get some writing done. Today, I will do a presentation at the Minnesota Catholic Education Association Conference. […]

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Comings & Goings

A Day in Dubuque – The Bible Blueprint

A great big shout out to all of the Catholic school teachers in Dubuque, IA, with whom I spent the day today, exploring The Bible Blueprint. We had a wonderful time together talking about how to integrate Scripture into the life of the Catholic school and make it more prominent in the formation experience of Catholic school children. Thanks to the good folks who made the day so much fun and so engaging and I […]

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Comings & Goings

A Hot Time in Dallas!

Dallas was HOT! But oh what a wonderful time we had there Saturday! A crew of us from Loyola Press swept in to spend the day with nearly 600 catechists looking at The Role of the Catechist. I did the English segment (seeings how I’m learning to speak that language pretty good) and my talented and charming friend and colleague Miguel Arias did the Spanish segment. A great big THANKS to all of the wonderful […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You, St. Louis!

Today, I had the pleasure of speaking to a sizeable group of catechists at the St. Louis Archdiocesan Religious Education Institute which took place on the campus of St. Louis University. I presented on The Catechist’s Toolbox. I was impressed with how many veteran catechists were on hand still looking for more tools to increase their effectiveness. One woman said she has been a catechist for 47 years! (I told her she must have started […]

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Comings & Goings

A Shout Out to Iowa City/Diocese of Davenport, IA!

A great big THANKS to all the good folks of the Diocese of Davenport who gathered on Friday (August 6, 2010) at St. Patrick’s in Iowa City to explore The Bible Blueprint! What a wonderful day! I enjoyed meeting and speaking with so many of you on that day as we explored how to “Listen to Him” through Sacred Scripture and how to invite others to deepen their relationship with God through Scripture. Before I […]

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Comings & Goings

I’m Back!

I’m back from vacation and ready to rock and roll! (Must be that stop at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland while on vacation! BTW, one of the most interesting things to see there is the diversity of visitors – saw a kid with a mohawk haircut standing next to an elderly person in a wheelchair, observing an exhibit…very cool!) I had a very nice couple of weeks off to relax and renew. […]

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Comings & Goings

BKD in The Big Easy

This past Saturday, I had the joy and privilege of conducting a Being, Knowing, and Doing professional development workshop for a wonderful group of catechetical leaders (and a few catechists as well) in New Orleans. It was my first trip to the Big Easy and it was SO enjoyable. Many, many thanks to the great folks who made me feel so at home there and contributed to a most productive day of looking at how […]