major prophets by il Baciccio - dome of the Gesu in Rome

Biblical Literacy for Catechists: The Prophets

This is the final article in a series about figures in Salvation history and their relevance for catechists. What is a prophet? The word prophet means “to speak for.” A prophet, then, is someone who speaks for God. When God wanted to speak to his people, he often chose someone to remind them of the covenant and its promises. Catechists can help students get to know these important spokespersons for God so they can become […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!

Last evening was delightful session in which we focused on the “flipside” of the Prophets’ message: the proclamation of hope (we previously focused on their “getting in the face” of Israel over injustices). We talked a lot about the experience of the Exile and how those in exile were devastated and how the Prophets brought a message of hope that culminated in the coming of Jesus. The main focus of the session, however, was on […]

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Intermediate Grades

Prophets of Hope: The “Flip-Side” of Getting In Your Face

Last week, we focused on how the Prophets “got in the face” of the people of Israel to remind them to be faithful to the Covenant and to live justly. For this week’s session, we will look at the “flip-side” of the Prophets: their efforts to proclaim hope to an exiled people. The Prophets Give Hope Big Idea: We need HOPE to survive and we find HOPE in God’s MERCY Preliminaries (15 mins) Welcome and […]

angry man
Intermediate Grades

Session Plan for March 4, 2014: The Prophets

Here is my lesson plan for tomorrow evening’s session, in which we will turn our attention to the Prophets of Israel. Big Idea: Prophets “get in the face” of the People of Israel. Preliminaries (30 mins) Welcome and attendance Opening prayer ritual/procession to set up prayer center Sacraments quiz Complete Lent discussion from previous week. Engage (10 mins) Put on baseball cap, whistle, and hold clip board and ask who I am imitating. (a coach) […]

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Intermediate Grades

Winter Doldrums?

 This is the time of the year when many of us begin to experience the winter doldrums. As mild as winter has been in Chicago this year, the lack of light and color still gets to you after a while. My students came into class last night with a collective case of the doldrums! Several had just come from basketball practice and were a bit tuckered out but got their second wind a half hour […]

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Intermediate Grades

The Prophets Give Hope

My lesson for tonight dovetails nicely with last week’s session since we are continuing to talk about the Prophets. Last week, we focused on how the Prophets challenged the People of Israel. This week, we look at how the Prophets spoke words of HOPE to the People when they were in Exile and as they returned to their destroyed homeland. You may recognize the Works of Mercy exercise from a lesson I did a couple […]

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Intermediate Grades

Prophets Rock!

We had a wonderful time last night learning about the Old Testament Prophets! Three of my most rambunctious students were absent last night and while I was disappointed they missed the experience, it certainly made for a very calm evening! After welcoming the young people back from the holidays, we did a little review about the Ark of the Covenant and I showed them how I placed many of their prayer symbols in our own […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Happy New Year! My First Lesson of 2013

As we begin 2013 and continue with our Year of Faith, I wish you abundant blessings! It’s time to get back to work as a catechist! New Year’s Day proved to be a good day for me to plan my lesson for this coming Monday evening. Here is the outline of our session for Monday, January 7, 2013: The Prophets of Israel Challenge the People Big Idea: Prophets “get in the face” of the People […]

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Intermediate Grades

Old Testament Learning Stations: READY!!!

I’ve completed the 4 Learning Stations for the Old Testament that will be part of our lesson this coming Monday evening. Here they are in PDF: PENTATEUCH Learning Station HISTORY Learning Station WISDOM Learning Station PROPHETS Learning Station Here are the Student Fill-In Sheets for the Old Testament Learning Stations: Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – Old Testament And here are the Old Testament bookmarks: OT Bookmarks Tomorrow, I’ll get to work on the […]