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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action #4 – Dan Ward Explains Roman Missal Changes

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 7th grade catechist Dan Ward talking to his class about Advent and the introduction of the Roman Missal changes. Watch for the following as Dan… directs the young people to open their text books and look at the liturgical calendar talks about Advent as the beginning of the Church’s new year asks the young people about their experience of the changes in the Mass invites a […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Our First Date – The New Roman Missal

So this morning, we had our first date with the new Roman Missal and it was very much like a first date – filled with novelty, curiosity, and awkwardness. Thankfully, the parish I attend, St. Julie Billart in Tinly Park, IL, had done a wonderful job of preparing the assembly for the changes and provided a very helpful guide for the assembly to follow along. Even so, you could hear a number of “and also with […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Blessings for the Revised Roman Missal

In just a few short weeks, we will begin using the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. I do hope that you’ve taken advantage of the number of resources I’ve made available over these past few months! Here are a few more resources: A 4-page blessing/prayer service outside Mass done by LTP based on the Book of Blessings: Blessing of Missal.    A blessing from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is for use on the First […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

My Copy of the New Roman Missal Has Arrived!

Here it is, folks! After months and months of talking about it, my personal copy of the new Roman Missal arrived today! It’s like Christmas in November for a liturgical/catechetical dork like me! 🙂 Hopefully, you and your parish have been preparing for the implementation of the new translation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. Here are some resources that will be of help to you if you’re looking to do some last-minute […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings


Hopefully, if I watch my weight, I won’t become a large catechist, however, this year, I’m going to serve as a type of “catechist-at-large.” Due to a number of commitments, I’m unable to have my own class this year, however, I am going to be doing the following at Most Holy Redeemer in Evergreen Park, IL: Teaching the Roman Missal changes (within the context of teaching about the Mass) to grades 1-8 in two separate presentations in […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

The New Roman Missal Translation in Under 10 Minutes

Thanks to my friend and colleague Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg for sharing this video link with me. It is a very helpful short video to help teens and middle school youth to understand the changes in the Roman Missal. Word for Word [Teens] from Life Teen on Vimeo.

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Roman Missal Changes

A Catechist’s Guide to the New Translation – from the Diocese of Lansing

Thanks to my colleague Denise, here’s a resource for catechists to use to implement the new translation of the Roman Missal. It’s from the Diocese of Lansing, MI, and it is quite thorough. It basically constitutes a mini-curriculum on the Mass that would require 8 sessions. What I’m hearing from a lot of catechetical leaders, however, is that they are not planning on setting aside such large chunks of time from their regular curriculum (for […]

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Roman Missal Changes

More Q & A!

I received SO MANY excellent questions from folks during the Roman Missal Webinars I hosted last week. Here is the 3rd installment! Roman Missal Webinar Q & A 3rd Installment

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Roman Missal Changes

Roman Missal Q & A: 2nd Installment

Here is the 2nd installment of Q & A from my Roman Missal Webinars from last week. Great questions! Hope my answers are up to snuff! Roman Missal Webinar Q & A – 2nd Installment