Year of Mercy
Spiritual Growth

A New Commandment and the Year of Mercy

In the Gospel for this Sunday, Jesus gives his disciples and us the New Commandment. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34–35, NIV). So what is “new” about this commandment? The duty of loving neighbors is grounded in the Old Testament and had been at […]

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Spiritual Growth

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Year C

Throughout the Gospel of Luke, the power of evil is lurking and the heavenly hosts stand ready to go into battle, beginning with the appearance of an army of angels to the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Evil tempts Jesus in the desert. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus drives out demons. However, the ultimate battle takes place during the Passion of Jesus that we enter into this Holy Week. Evil’s tenacious presence is manifested in […]

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Spiritual Growth

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C

There are few people that we know better than the members of our own family and our closest friends. We know one another’s strengths and abilities, and we also know one another’s limitations and weaknesses. Like the Pharisees in the Gospel for the fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C, we may be tempted to focus on the faults and sins that familiarity with one another can sometimes reveal. As family members and friends, however, we also […]

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Spiritual Growth

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C

The Pharisees taught a very scrupulous observance of Jewish Law. In their interpretation and practice, observant Jews who shared table fellowship with sinners would be made unclean. Like Jesus, the Pharisees hoped to lead sinners back to God. The Pharisees, however, required that sinners first become ritually clean—observant of the Pharisees’ interpretation of Jewish Law—before sharing table fellowship. This appears to be one of the major differences between the Pharisees and Jesus. Jesus reaches out […]

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Spiritual Growth

Third Sunday of Lent, Year C

Turning away from sin is a good thing. However, it is possible to turn away from sin and still not know where you are going! Repentance is concerned not primarily with the act of turning away from sin but with turning toward God. When we run toward God, we will turn our backs on sin, but our focus will not be on our sins but on the loving mercy of God that we seek to […]

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Spiritual Growth

Second Sunday of Lent, Year C

It’s not unusual to ask someone with headphones on what they are listening to. Nowadays, folks spend large amounts of time listening to music or talk radio. We always seem to be listening to someone or something. In this Sunday’s story of the Transfiguration of Jesus, a voice from heaven tells Peter, James, and John, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” The Transfiguration of Jesus was a moment of focus […]

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Spiritual Growth

First Sunday of Lent, Year C

In Luke’s Gospel, the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert appears just after Jesus’ baptism and before Jesus begins his public ministry. We can imagine this as a time of transition, a turning point in Jesus’ life. Perhaps we can liken it to one of the important turning points in our own lives: the decision to marry, the birth of a child, the acceptance of a new job, or the decision to move to […]

Marriage at Cana by Maerten de Vos

The Wedding Feast at Cana: A Call to Community

Have you ever noticed that many heroes in popular culture are loners? These heroes save the day, but they tend to do it all by themselves. Think of Batman, Superman, Ironman, Wolverine, and for those of us who are a little older, the Lone Ranger. Our heroes tend to be rugged individuals who, even if they engage in an alliance or loose affiliation with others, do so reluctantly. A good example of this is Han […]

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The Gospel is More Than “Chicken Soup”

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned in my experience as a catechetical minister is that the core message of the Gospel is not about simple character development (ala Chicken Soup for the Soul) but about radical realignment of our being. I was reminded of this notion by this Sunday’s Gospel about the Canaanite woman who begs Jesus to cure her daughter and perseveres in her request until Jesus, moved by her great faith, responds and […]

Catechists in Action
Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action: Chris Brett Reads the Sunday Gospel

In this segment of Catechists in Action, eighth-grade catechist Chris Brett reads and discusses the Sunday Gospel with his students. Watch for the following: Chris has a key line from Gospel (the story of the Transfiguration) written on the board. Chris tells the students what to listen for and what to do as they hear the passage being read. Chris reads the Gospel passage to the young people. One suggestion that Chris might consider is […]