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Growing as a Catechist

Recording of “Teaching During a Year of Faith” Webinar – Now Available!

As promised, the recording of the Teaching During a Year of Faith Webinar is now available! Thanks to the fast work of my colleagues Nick Yonto and Rosemary Lane, the recording was made available in record time! After today’s post, this recording will be archived above under the Webinars Tab along with all of my other archived Webinars. Enjoy and spread the word!

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PDFs from “Teaching During a Year of Faith” Webinar

Here again are the PDFs that I made available after last evening’s Webinar, “Teaching During a Year of Faith” (a recording of the Webinar will be available here in just a few days!) Classroom Covenant Chart for Praying the Nicene Creed Leading to Memorization Practical Suggestions for Practicing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Resources for Leading Guided Reflections Social Justice Organization Websites PLUS, here’s a new one that I put together as a […]

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Teaching During a Year of Faith

Thanks for Participating in the “Teaching During a Year of Faith” Webinar!

Thanks so much for participating in this evening’s Webinar, “Teaching During a Year of Faith!” A recording of the Webinar will be available here on this blog within about a week. If you wish to receive a certificate toward your catechist certification, email your first and last name with your full mailing address to As promised, here are some resources I referred to during the Webinar that you can download (PDF format) for free! Classroom […]

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Teaching During a Year of Faith

Webinar Tonight! Teaching During a Year of Faith

Tonight, (Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 7:00 pm CDT), I’ll be hosting a free Webinar – Teaching During a Year of Faith – to explore how we can more effectively proclaim Jesus Christ to those we are called to teach this year. Be sure to click that link above to find a Note-Taking Sheet in PDF form that you can download for the Webinar! “See you” tonight!

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Being a Catechist

Webinar Tomorrow, Catechist Meeting Tonight!

 It’s time to kick-off the catechetical year! Tomorrow evening, Tuesday, August 28, 2012, I’ll be hosting a free Webinar – Teaching During a Year of Faith – to explore how we can more effectively proclaim Jesus Christ to those we are called to teach this year. Be sure to click that link above to find a Note-Taking Sheet in PDF form that you can download for the Webinar! This evening, I’ll be attending the start-of-the-year catechist […]

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Free Webinar!!! Teaching During a Year of Faith

Don’t miss the free Webinar I’m offering on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 (7:00 pm CDT), “Teaching During a Year of Faith!” Details are below. A recording of the Webinar will be available here on my blog within a week of the live event for those of you who cannot participate on Tuesday evening. In the meantime, here is a Note Taking Sheet that you can download and use during the Webinar to help you keep […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 4, Day 3: In the Mood (Forms of Prayer, Part II)

WEEK FOUR: Prayer DAY 3: In the Mood (Forms of Prayer, Part II) During the “Big Band” era of the 1940s, bandleader Glenn Miller topped the charts with his #1 hit “In the Mood.” While appearing well before the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the title of the song is, of course, highly suggestive. In the mood for WHAT? Intimacy, of course. That should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the history of the […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 3, Day 4: Learning to Detect Patterns (Social Justice)

WEEK THREE: The Moral Life (Life in Christ) DAY 4:  Learning to Detect Patterns (Social Justice) The children’s show Sesame Street has a feature called One of These Things is Not Like the Others in which they show a series of images, inviting the viewer to identify which of the things was different or doesn’t match or belong to the group. The activity is accompanied by a song with the following lyrics: One of these things is not […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 3, Day 3: First-Aid (The Works of Mercy)

WEEK THREE: The Moral Life (Life in Christ) DAY 3:  First-Aid (The Works of Mercy) What would you expect to find in a typcial first-aid kit? No doubt bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, burn ointment, and so on. What would you include in a spiritual first-aid kit? The fact is, we provide first aid for people when they have an urgent physical need. Some physical needs that people have are ongoing and are not the result of a medical emergency. […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 3, Day 2: What’s Your Secret? (The Commandments, Beatitudes, and Virtues)

WEEK THREE: The Moral Life (Life in Christ) DAY 2:  What’s Your Secret?  (The Commandments, Beatitudes, and Virtues) Did you ever try to find out if someone was planning a surprise party for you or try to find out what kind of gift they may have gotten you for your birthday or Christmas? It’s not easy to pry a secret out of someone!  Thankfully, we have a God who does not keep secrets. In fact, God is quite the opposite. God […]