Please note, we do NOT issue certificates for viewing recordings of Webinars.

A New Catechesis for the New Evangelization:
New Ardor, Methods, and Expression

Catechists are at the forefront of the New Evangelization. We are called to “re-propose” the Gospel to the world, relying on an approach that is “new in its ardor, methods, and expression.” (St. John Paul II)In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will explore what a “new catechesis for the New Evangelization” should look like, using as an example, the newly revised Christ Our Life New Evangelization Edition (Loyola Press). Joe will also be drawing from his most recent book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ and Pope Francis’ book, The Church of Mercy to capture and illustrate how catechesis can take on new ardor, methods, and expression.

Under the Influence of Jesus:
The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ

The most important relationships are life-changing because they bring about a shift in your priorities and a transformation in your outlook. This is true of the single-most important relationship in your life: your relationship with Jesus. In this Webinar, Under the Infuence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, Joe Paprocki, DMin, captures and explores the essence of what happens to a person when he or she encounters Christ. This transformation is characterized, above all, by a profound lack of inhibition—the same lack of inhibition that caused people to suspect that the Apostles were “under the influence” when they proclaimed the Gospel for the first time on Pentecost (Acts 2:13).

Lenten Webinar in a Year of Faith

Lent is a time for us to renew our baptismal commitment to follow Jesus and to proclaim the Good News to others. This experience is heightened by taking place during a Year of Faith. In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will identify the focus of Lent and how, during this Year of Faith, it presents us with a unique opportunity to learn how to proclaim the Gospel in such a way as to transform lives. Joe will identify nine key strategies for proclaiming the Gospel for the New Evangelization.

Teaching During a Year of Faith: A FREE Webinar

Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed a Year of Faith beginning this October and extending through November of 2013. He hopes that the Year of Faith will foster an encounter with Christ through authentic witnesses to faith and a deeper understanding of the truths of our faith that Jesus revealed.

In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki, DMin, draws from those goals and offers an opportunity for catechists to focus on our task of teaching during this extraordinary year. The purpose of the Webinar is how we can more effectively teach in such a way as to foster transformation of hearts and minds and not just the passing along of information. Joe focuses on how to make our catechesis more evangelizing. This Webinar experience is a great opportunity for all catechists, including those who are new to the ministry.

“7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness: A Webinar for Easter People”

Drawing from my book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness.

As we anticipate the celebration of Pentecost, this webinar will be an opportunity to truly renew our baptism and open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit who guides us in all we do. If you are a catechist, catechetical leader, pastoral minister, or someone simply looking for spiritual renewal, don’t miss this great opportunity to become more spiritually alive in the risen Christ.

Please click on one of the links below to jump to the information regarding the topic you’re interested in:

Getting Started as a Catechist Series

Primary Age Children
Intermediate Age Children
Junior High and High School Students

Roman Missal Changes

Preparing for Advent: A Webinar

Making Lent Simple, but Not Easy

Growing as a Catechist

Getting Started as a Catechist Series

As the new school year approaches, catechists are refocusing their attention on how to best engage their students in faith formation. Roughly 150,000 catechists are new to the job each year, and Loyola Press is supporting their training by hosting a Webinar series called “Getting Started as a Catechist.”

In this series, Joe Paprocki, DMin, discusses the basic skills of being a catechist, how to plan effective lessons, ways to lead compelling prayer, tips on how to organize a variety of activities, and how to maintain order and discipline in the learning environment, in addition to other topics.

Primary Age Children

Intermediate Age Children

Junior High and High School Students


Roman Missal Changes Webinar

Beginning with Advent 2011, we will celebrate the Mass following the English translation of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal. While the changes for the Mass may be exciting for some people, they may be confusing for others.

Some of the topics covered in this Webinar include:

  • Background on the changes in the Roman Missal
  • Explanations of why the changes are taking place
  • In-depth look at specific texts in the Mass that are changing
  • An opportunity to ask questions and receive ongoing Roman Missal change information

Preparing for Advent: A Webinar

Practical Tips and Activities to Help You Share the True Meaning of the Advent Season

This Webinar explores how to create engaging advent-themed faith-formation activities drawn from the Sunday Scripture Readings of Cycle C (the Gospel of Luke). Joe will take us through the readings for this Advent season, explore the theme for each week, and share some unique ways you can develop the theme into activities that inspire children, youth, and adults to enter more deeply into the beauty and holiness of Advent.

Making Lent Simple, but Not Easy

Ideas for Practicing Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

We sometimes make Lent too complicated when, in reality, it calls us to do only three things: pray, fast, and give alms. Simply put, Lent is a time to renew our baptismal commitment to be a disciple of Jesus. This commitment is nurtured by the practice of these three disciplines. In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki will help catechists revisit the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to help them and those they teach to better understand how to approach the Lenten season in a way that will lead to renewal of our baptismal commitment. In a unique and refreshing approach, Joe draws from three well-known Hollywood movies to make his points about prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Growing as a Catechist

A Self-Evaluation Based on 7 Critical Tools from The Catechist’s Toolbox

At the end of the year is a good time to pause and take stock—to engage in a self-evaluation in order to grow as a catechist. In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki invites catechists to evaluate their efforts this year in light of 7 critical “tools” (skills and qualities) drawn from his book The Catechist’s Toolbox.

This Webinar will assume a very different flavor from the previous ones in that the focus will be on answering 7 poll questions (one for each of the 7 tools), resulting in a highly interactive and fast-paced experience.


  1. In our Sunday Bulletin we were told that there would be a free webinar by Joe Paprocki on the upcoming changes in the Roman Missal. I don’t see it posted on your website. Kindly let me know how I can register for it. I understand it will be offered from 8-9 pm on Wed., Feb. 9, 2011. This will be my first webinar, so please send me info asap. I teach Theology at a Catholic High School. Thanks so much, Gloria 🙂

    • Hi Brenda. As far as I know, my books are available in electronic version for Kindle. I’m not aware of the webinars being available for download.

  2. I think this is a great idea and I am looking forward for it I will do my best to make myself avalilable.

  3. Hello, I missed your live webcast on the changes that will take place in the mass next advent. Is this avaliable to watch online and where would i find it? Thanks for all you do for Christ and for us.


  4. Joe, how can I get a copy of the webinar on the Roman Missal changes? I would like to show excerpts to our Parish Council

    • Tina, right now the only way is to access the recordings on the Loyola Press Website or my blog so you need Internet access.

  5. I will not be able to see the webinar on Getting started as a catechist on August 17th for primary grades K-2 at 4:00 pm EST. I want to see it when it is convenient for me in the evening after the kids go to bed. How can I select an evening time or see it when it is convenient for me to watch it?

    • Denise, there will be a recording of the Webinar posted on my blog within a week or so of the live event. Once that is available, you’ll be able to watch at your convenience!

  6. Is there a way to make up Getting started as a catechist, primary grades? I just heard about it, an hour after the fact.
    Thank you for your help with this matter.

  7. I found out about the webinar for 1st and 2nd grade catechists to get started after I returned from vacation and didn’t have time to get the word out to my teachers. I love Joe and his approach to helping teachers and would be so grateful to be able to present him to my teachers. Is there a way we can have a repeat of the webinar? Thank you so much for your help! Wendy

  8. Just did Advent and got some great ideas – we will be starting our new year in September and I am telling my teachers about your website and take advantge of it . It sure has helped me God Bless you Joe for all you do

  9. I missed the webinar for the 1-3 grades in catechis . You mentioned to another person who missed the webinar to go to your blog. What is your address on the blog. I dont blog. So I am unfamilar on how to bet there.

    Thank you

  10. Is there a book for the Getting Started As A Catechists Primary Grades? If so I would like to purchase one. How can I purchase the Catechists’ Books for the Kindergarten and First Grade lessons? Thank You and Be Blessed, Mary Ellen

    • Hi Mary Ellen. I don’t have books for each Webinar/grade level. I do have my Catechist’s Toolbox book which I draw from for the Webinars and that addresses skills and techniques for catechists of all grades. You can get that at

  11. I noticed a section on your website about the film “Jesus of Nazareth”. Our pastor wants to show this film to our Confirmation class. Do you have discussion questions for the whole film that would be available to us?

  12. I am very sad because I couldn’t get the my class for adult faith formation tonight because my password didn’t work

  13. Dear Joe : thanks a lot for give the oportunity to get a recording of webinar Adult Faith formation of Sept 6.I’ll be expecting it. God Bless you !!!


  14. I attended the webinar & it was great! thanks. You stated to get a certificate we had to mail in information. I could not find the address. Help – please…

  15. I’m looking for the pdf of your “Grow as a catechist” on the tools. I’ve viewed the one line webinar and would like a copy of the pdf for myself and my team teaching partner.

  16. Thanks for your webinars Joe. This will be my first year as a catechist (primary age). I am looking for a simple children’s book on the life of Mary for an upcoming class and am having trouble finding one. I have a passion for children’s literature and want to use it as much as possible in my teaching. Where would be a good place to find Catholic stories for children?

    Thanks so much.

  17. Hi, Joe, I am grateful to have found this site. It is my first year as an catechist aid. But in these months I as well have learned so much too. We are using 2/3 grade “finding god this year. Right now I am trying to find something where I can help the kids understand Celebrating Lent and Holy Week doing some activity during Sunday class.

    Thank you for all you do.

  18. Hi Joe,
    I have truly enjoyed your books, webinars and I frequently use your advent/ lent presentations as aids for my faith formation classes. I am looking for a presentation about the mass. I do have your book “living the mass”, have you ever done or will do a presentation about it? thank you!
    Best regards,

  19. Hi Joe I am looking for some help on incorporating the period of evangelization and precatechumenate, for the evangelization into my RCIA program. I am thinking that I would start using the 9 steps you described in your book Preparing Hearts and Minds before the beginning of lent and up to the beginning of my program of RCIA. I am really having a lot of trouble incorporating this new promulgation into my program because I would only need to evangelize the unbaptized. In the past I have not had many that are unbaptized and the majority is needing the other 2 sacraments of initiation. My program consists of 8 months of weekly classes. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I saw a video on a webinar on utube that you taught and I really enjoyed it. Thank you

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