I’ll “see you” on Monday for the beginning of our Online Catechist’s Retreat: The Spirituality of the Catechist! Remember, no need to register and it’s free! Just meet me here on my blog, Catechist’s Journey, and “enter” the retreat. I’ll have a brief video welcome/overview, a post for you to read, and then an engaging opening activity for all of us to “get to know” one another! Have a great weekend and I’ll “see you” Monday!
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I am looking forward to this retreat.
Carol, jump in whenever you’re ready. Folks are introducing themselves through today’s post:
This is a great! idea and great tool. Thnak you for sharing it inspiring!
I missed week one because of a “sick”computer. I am really excited about the upcoming weeks since I’ve gone through week two. One of the many wonderful things about our faith is that you can study for years and years and never come to the point that you can say, “I know everything about God, now.”