My book, A Well-Built Faith, has been translated into Chinese! How cool is that?!
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That is indeed cool.
Is the market China and Hongkong?
I believe it’s China
It really creates a joyful spirit in the updates we have for our catechism.Every day I always give time to open my computer, and the first thing I look at my yahoo account is the catechist journey.It is a lot of inspiration. It an experience where there is awholesome communication for all catechist, to of one mind,united in spirit an ideals, necessary for our spiritual growth as catechist.Honestly,I am so proud of being a catechist more than I am proud of my being a teacher-nurse-midwife.It is a feeling beyond all our human understanding,for God”s ways are not mans ways.Yes, I can speak a little of Chinese,And wow, what a wonderful idea to translate God”s words to languages all over the world.
Thanks, Elisa. That’s a few more words than I can speak in Chinese which is 0!
This comment came via email from Charlotte (a person, not the city!)
Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas and help. I teach second grade with children who are receiving their Reconciliation and Holy Communion this year, so it is a challenge. If you have any suggestions for second grade, I would so very much appreciate it. This week I’m using your “Signs” to lead into my Sacraments lesson while reviewing the Trinity, which is really hard for second graders
Again, THANK YOU and please keep them coming.
Charlotte McHoul (
Thanks, Charlotte. Let me know what kind of specific help you’re looking for and we can put the word out to the 2nd grade catechists out there who can share their ideas!