Here’s my lesson plan for Monday, November 15, 2010
Big Idea: We encounter Jesus through SIGNS (the Church and the Sacraments)
- As the kids enter, hand them the Signs and Symbols worksheet and have them get busy with it.
- When all have gathered, do opening prayer ritual and then review correct answers for worksheet
- Explain that today we will be learning about signs and symbols of our faith
- Invite 3 volunteers to come forward for a “contest.” Place an empty clear cup or bottle on a table in front of each and tell them that you’re going to see who can fill the cup fastest. Then tell them, on the count of 3, to fill the cup with LOVE. Pretend that you are urging them to go ahead and fill the cups with love. Then explain that love is INVISIBLE so instead, we use signs and symbols of love. Talk about how they show love for their parents and family members (hugs, kisses, presents, etc.)
- Explain that God is invisible and that our Catholic faith uses signs and symbols to help us recognize God’s love visibly.
- Ask, “Since God is invisible, who did he send to make himself visible for us?” (Jesus)
- Watch Images of Jesus Powerpoint (10 mins)
- Explain that since Jesus ascended to heaven and the Holy Spirit is invisible, Jesus gave us a visible sign of his presence on earth: the Church
- Read Finding God pgs 92-94
- Explain that Jesus also gave us 7 signs of his presence: the Sacraments
- Read Finding God pgs 252-253
- See if anyone can name all 7 Sacraments
- Play CD of guided reflection Go Forth! (CD 1, Track 8) – (10 mins)
- Challenge the kids to think of one way they can be a sign of God’s love to others in the days to come.
- Closing Prayer: play “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love”
Thanks for the worksheet, do you have images of Jesus powerpoint available?
You’re welcome, Steve. Sorry I can’t share the images of Jesus PPT for copyright reasons.
I am desperate to find those recorded guided reflections. Where can I get them???
Gemma, they are part of the Finding God program from Loyola Press and I’m not sure they can be purchased separately from the textbook, however, you can call customer service at 800-621-1008 to find out. If not, you can get a printed resource called Guided Reflections for Children, Volumes I and II. Again, ask customer service about those. Good luck!
Thank you very much, Joe! I’ll try that!