What Do You Think About Teaching Masses?

Many parish religious education programs host something called a “teaching Mass” which is a Mass during which the priest catechizes about the various parts and aspects of the Mass. Here’s an example. And another. I understand the thinking behind doing a teaching Mass and I applaud pastors and catechetical leaders who are doing all they can to teach about the Mass. We want children and families to have a better understanding of the liturgy which […]

Blessings for the Revised Roman Missal

In just a few short weeks, we will begin using the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. I do hope that you’ve taken advantage of the number of resources I’ve made available over these past few months! Here are a few more resources: A 4-page blessing/prayer service outside Mass done by LTP based on the Book of Blessings: Blessing of Missal.    A blessing from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is for use on the First […]

Teaching the Bible to 6th Graders Last Night

As one of my “catechist-at-large” responsibilities, I did an introduction to the Bible last evening with the 6th graders at Most Holy Redeemer parish in Evergreen Park, IL. It was a very enjoyable experience. Here are the details: There were about 30-35 kids present along with their 3 catechists and 3 aides. Each child had a New American Bible (although there were 2 different editions which precluded me from relying on page numbers. I don’t mind, […]

Fr. Barron On How to Use CATHOLICISM in Catechesis

By now, I’m sure you have heard about Fr. Bob Barron’s Catholicism series which has been airing on PBS around the country and is available as a DVD series. This epic series tells our story with great depth and beauty and will serve as a valuable resource for evangelization and catechesis for years to come. I invited Fr. Barron to share some thoughts on how Catholicism can be used in catechesis and he was kind […]

Catechists in Action – Nick Reviews His Lesson

We’ve arrived at the end of 5th grade catechist Nick Yonto’s session – the last episode of our “Nick Yonto Series!” For a special treat, Nick will be a guest blogger next week, sharing his thoughts on what it was like for him to watch himself in action and what he learned from it. In this segment, watch for how Nick… cleans up and puts the room back in order confers with his aide about […]

Catechists in Action: Nick Concludes His Lesson

In this segment of Catechists in Action, fifth-grade catechist Nick Yonto wraps up his lesson on the Eucharist. Watch for the following as Nick: invites the children to remember the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and prods them to re-construct the story. emphasizes how Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread and links the discussion to the BIG IDEA of his class: Eucharist. invites the children imagine they […]

My Copy of the New Roman Missal Has Arrived!

Here it is, folks! After months and months of talking about it, my personal copy of the new Roman Missal arrived today! It’s like Christmas in November for a liturgical/catechetical dork like me! 🙂 Hopefully, you and your parish have been preparing for the implementation of the new translation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. Here are some resources that will be of help to you if you’re looking to do some last-minute […]

Mid-South Catholic Leadership Conference – Lake Barkley, KY

One of the perks of traveling is, in addition to meeting so many wonderful people, visiting some beautiful locations around the country. Today, I had the privilege of speaking at the Mid-South Catholic Leadership Conference held at Lake Barkley, KY (about 90 minutes south of Nashville, TN). Indeed, I got to spend time with some wonderful catechetical leaders, catechists, diocesan staff, (and even a bishop in the audience!) but I also got to enjoy the […]

Catechists in Action – Nick Teaches His Lesson, Part 3

In our last episode (I love saying that!), 5th grade catechist Nick projected an image of the Last Supper and then had the kids draw their own image. In this segment, watch for the following: Nick describes his own drawing and uses some self-deprecating humor designed to put those who are not good drawers at ease. Nick invites the children to share their drawings if they wish and to describe what they emphasized. Unfortunately, most […]

Catechists in Action – Nick Teaches the Lesson

We’ve been watching 5th grade catechist Nick Yonto as he did preparations for his lesson and then gathered the children for prayer. Now, watch as Nick jumps into his lesson which is on the Eucharist as: memorial, meal, and sacrifice. Watch for how Nick… begins with an engaging question, asking the kids to think of ways in their own lives that they try to remember things (setting the stage for talking about Eucharist as memorial). […]

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