In this segment of Catechists in Action, Marge Garbacz continues her introduction to Catholic Social Teaching by inviting the participants in her RCIA to apply the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching to current events in the news. Watch for the following:
- Marge distributes copies of breaking news stories from local Chicago newspapers.
- Marge identifies one of the news stories and invites participants to look over the themes of Catholic Social Teaching and apply them to the issue at hand.
- Marge explains how Catholic Social Teaching helps us to look at events to better understand what the proper response should be in certain situations with regards to living justly.
great topic Joe!
I was just speaking with a woman today, that is setting up housing for teens transitioning out of substance abuse for drugs and alcohol and the sad state in society our youth is currently facing, We discussed the great need for youth programs in our church. We need our church more than ever.! We discussed how we will equip them with furnishings food etc however the spiritual deprivation is what is lacking and applying the social issues in daily life through the eyes of faith. on EWTN they stated our church has spent 3 billion dollars in the child abuse scandals. Would it not be amazing if we put back the 3 billion dollars into youth programs. to include drug, alcohol, abuse youth and dealing with divorce, teen pregnancy and all these addictions that go hand in hand that have no bias of faith or ethnicity on whom they affect. We need to be challenged as Catholics to have available the best education available in terms of preventative measures in our FAith formation programs. If this is the year of faith we need to put in place even better programs for our youth to be able to deal with 21st century in terms of spiritual wellness to equip our youth in being the hands and feet of Christ.
God’s Blessings ,