All Good Things: Catechist’s Journey Blog Coming to an End


Research shows that the average lifespan of a blog is just over two years. Well, I would say we did pretty well here at Catechist’s Journey, which has published continually since 2006—nearly 18 years or nine times the average! Alas, after nearly 3500 posts, it’s time to unplug my Catechist’s Journey keyboard and give thanks to God for such a wonderful experience. Our last post will go up at the end of May, 2024.

Catechist’s Journey began in 2006 as a way to promote my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox (which, by the way, I’m updating; stay tuned!). Before long, however, it evolved into a place where catechists could gather to share ideas, learn new strategies, and find or share inspiration. I can’t thank you enough for your support and companionship on the journey through all these years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve encountered catechists all over the country who said, “I feel like I know you; I’ve been reading your blog for years!”

I am abundantly grateful to all of the wonderful contributing authors, who helped to add voices other than mine to the conversation. I’m also exceedingly grateful to the following: Terry Locke, former President/Publisher of Loyola Press, for inviting me to start a blog in 2006 (to which I replied, “What’s a blog?”); Joellyn Cicciarelli, current President/Publisher of Loyola Press, for encouraging me to continue the blog through the years and to explore new and different directions; Carrie Freyer, Director of Trade Marketing, for guiding me through the early years of the blog when I was pretty much a one-man show; Linnette Mathys, Senior Marketing Technologist, for ongoing analytical and tech support; and most of all, Denise Gorss, Web Editor, for becoming my “right arm” and handling all of the details “behind the curtain” (editing every post, finding images to enhance posts, coordinating contributing authors, brainstorming and scheduling posts, and much more)—all designed to make Catechist’s Journey the place to be for anyone involved in faith formation!

There is no one reason why we’ve reached this decision. In fact, it’s more like the scene from Forrest Gump in which, after more than three years of running across the country, Forrest stops and says, “I think I’ll go home now.” The time just feels right. However, this doesn’t mean that I’m going away! This will just make space on my plate to dedicate my efforts to new catechetical initiatives. You can still connect with me through our Catholic Faith Formation Facebook group, which I encourage you to follow. Likewise, I also maintain a personal Facebook fan page where we can continue to connect. Finally, the vast archive of catechetical material from Catechist’s Journey will not disappear but will transition to the Loyola Press website, Subscribe to the Catholic Faith Formation newsletter for content highlights and seasonal resources.

Thanks again for joining me on this journey! You’ve walked with me through my experiences as a catechist at three different parishes (Most Holy Redeemer, St. Cajetan, and St. Barnabas), a variety of age levels (eighth-grade Confirmation, sixth grade, fourth grade, and family catechesis), and my travels around the country, where I thankfully got to meet so many of you in person. Your dedication to catechetical ministry has deeply inspired me!

I recall the final episode of one of my favorite TV shows, Star Trek: The Next Generation, which was aptly titled, “All Good Things.” Indeed, as the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” The journey, however, never ends!



About Joe Paprocki 2742 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


  1. Thank-you, Joe, for your blog which I first discovered as a new DRE after many years as a catechist. I’m now a retired DRE but you never stop being a catechist, even if not in a formal classroom. I learned so much from you, and I still do, in your Pop Ups and other resources that I access through Loyola Press. I wish you the best but also look forward to accessing you through Loyola Press.

    • I echo this sentiment! Thank you, Joe, for this resource. It has been a gift to me and my ministry for many years. I look forward to your next chapter!

  2. Joe, thanks for your dedication to catechesis and the Church at large. I’ve used your books in faith formation and appreciate your contribution to the archive of great resources! I recently left my professional church position as Director of Faith Formation and will soon be fully retired. This is a transitional time for me as it must be for you as well. Good luck as you continue to develop new catechetical initiatives. May God continue to bless you and your family. Gratefully, Mac

    • Margaret Ann, thanks so much for your message and for your many years of dedicated service to God’s people through faith formation! May your transition to retirement be grace-filled!

  3. Oh Joe, this is the end of a truly wonderful era! But you have indeed served us all so well, and in so many ways through this amazing blog, and for that I am so truly grateful! I remember meeting you in person for the first time at the Mid Atlantic Conference in Baltimore in 2017 and asking you to take a selfie with me (which you generously agreed to). After forwarding the picture to my young adult kids and getting the response, “Who is this guy?” my response was, “He’s a Catholic superstar!” You have gifted us all tremendously with your insights, your wonderful Pop-Up Catechesis videos (which always made me smile) and your accessible way of communicating. I am so grateful to you and I look forward to continued opportunities to connect and to learn from you. May God bless all your future endeavors!

    • Thanks so much Kelly! I remember meeting you and taking that selfie! My kids had similar reactions when they would hear me telling my wife about a presentation and how it was fun taking selfies with people and signing copies of my books. They said, “Wait, people ask if they can take selfies with you and they ask for your autograph? WHY?” “Well, Dad just happens to be a minor celebrity in a small niche within the world of faith formation! So, THERE!” 🤣

  4. Say it ain’t so, Joe! I have so enjoyed reading your blog and your other content. Thank you so much for your thoughtful insights. I really hope the content doesn’t go away even for a short time – I was looking forward to reading through all of your family faith posts over the Summer as I redevelop mine. I always think of your resources as a place I can go when I need a pick me up or an idea to freshen things up. Thank you so so much for always “being there.”

    God bless you as you listen to His whisperings and move on to whatever He has in store for you.

    • Thanks, Joellyn! The content will not go away. It will be “migrated” to the Loyola Press website and archived there for easy access. More info on that will follow. Thanks for your kind words and blessings to you!

  5. I am grateful for all you have done through your blog! I have learned so much and have found wonderful resources to share! You made it easy to find time worthy information. Looking forward to seeing the good things that will come!

    • I’m glad you found helpful resources on CJ, Joann! It was always my greatest wish to assist catechists and make their/your job easier!

  6. Joe, Thankyou for all the amazing resources, tips and ideas! I learned a lot from you over the years. I shared so many of your resources with my catechists and Faith Formation families. Your blog will be missed but you’re right, the journey will never end!

    • I appreciate your kind words, Cheryl! So glad that you were able to share ideas from the blog with your catechists!

  7. I recall you teaching a session at our diocesan Festival of Catechists some years ago in Austin, TX. I so enjoyed your topic and your delivery. Our parish is using the Catechist Toolbox series as faith formation for our catechists. I’ve followed your blog for several years and gotten so much out of it. I’ve listed to many of your webinars and so many things have stuck with me. Thank you for your service to all of us catechists and to the students with whom we walk in faith. May the Lord Bless and keep you as you segue into other ventures.

    • Thanks so much, Bobbi! I enjoyed my visit to Austin “some years ago!” I’m glad that my resources have been of assistance to you. Thanks for using the Toolbox for catechist formation! Stay tuned: I’m working on a new edition of that book!!!

  8. Many thanks for the countless lives you have touched through us catechists who have benefitted from your abundant sharing of ideas, inspirations and hope as we echo the voice of the One who calls us all to be who He created us to be…..

  9. Hello Joe,
    I teach The Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes at the fourth grade level. I have used many of your suggestions over the years. I keep teaching because I keep learning and I have learned a lot from reading your posts and sharing your ideas with students. Yesterday, I brought in some optical illusions and we discussed what the world tells us will make us happy vs. what Jesus tells us. It worked out really well. Got the students attention like so many of your ideas : ) Thank you for sharing!

    • Thanks, Gabrielle! I’m glad you’ve found some of my resources and ideas to be of help in your lessons. I bet the kids loved the optical illusions analogy! Keep up the good work!

  10. Joe, I always read your blog and so will really miss you. Actually, I hope to keep in touch in other ways.

    • Thanks Sr. Anne! It’ll be easy for us to keep in touch since we’re in the same “hood!”

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