With this catechetical year winding down, it’s a good opportunity to stop and assess or evaluate yourself as a catechist. One way to do this is to use the Catechist’s Self-Evaluation that I put together. I encourage you to complete this and to share it in discussion with either a fellow catechist or your catechetical leader.
Of course, anyone who knows me and my work, knows that I am a tireless advocate of ongoing formation and growth as a catechist: we never stop growing as disciples of Christ and as catechists. We can always improve upon our skills and/or pick up new ones from year to year.
With that in mind, I invite you to answer another one of our popular polls! Please indicate which catechetical skill you would most like to grow in going forward. As with our previous polls, please include some comments that tell us a bit more about how you hope to grow as a catechist and why you selected the skill you did. I look forward to hearing from you!
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