cover of Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul; next to author photo of Anne Kertz Kernion
Spiritual Growth

Classroom Spiritual Breaks

We can all practice self-care during these days marked by social distancing, remote learning, and disruptions to our cherished routines. Here are a few spiritual practices that catechists can incorporate into sessions to help nurture the spiritual and physical well-being of young people. Calls to Mind God’s Presence in Our Lives Invite young people to sit up tall, with both feet on the floor. They may close their eyes if they want. Tell them to […]

Book Club Bonus - Share your opinion
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Share Your Opinion!

We hope you enjoyed reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List this summer. Please take a few moments and help us learn about your experience with this book club format and how we might improve by taking the survey below. View Survey Use promo code 4919 to receive 20% off The Prayer List. Shipping and handling are additional. Offer expires 8/10/18. Cannot be combined with other special offers. U.S. domestic shipping orders only.

Book Club Poll - favorite way to pray
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: A Poll

In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. Next week we’ll conclude our discussion of The Prayer List. Whether you’ve been reading all summer or won’t start reading until next month, please answer […]

Book Club Bonus - Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy and David and Mercedes Rizzo - Music in Family Prayer
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Music in Family Prayer

Editor’s note: In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. My Uncle’s Song “After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” (Matthew 26:30) In the midst of anguish and […]

The Prayer List - mini-posters with quotes from Jane Knuth book
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: The Prayer List Mini-Posters

Editor’s note: In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. “God can do anything. This is true. But God doesn’t do ‘just anything’; he’s too wise for that. I think it all depends on the relationship.” “I am […]

Book Club Bonus: Family Prayer Card
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Family Prayer Card

Jane Knuth discovered that the best way to pray with your family is the way that works best for your family. But sometimes a little encouragement for how to start is welcome. Today, download a family prayer card that invites you to ask God’s help in recognizing the ordinary, daily ways that your family can grow closer to God. This prayer card is offered to you as this week’s Book Club Bonus. We continue to […]

Book Club Bonus: Elizabeth M. Kelly and Robin Davis - Blessings in the Home
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Blessings in the Home

Editor’s note: In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. Blessing Before Bed A few years ago, my brother married a widow. Her husband died in a car crash—a crash that two of […]

Book Club Bonus: John M. DeJak and Amy Welborn on Traditional Prayers
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Traditional Prayers with the Family

Editor’s note: In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. Family Rosary Daily prayer with a large family is a bit like being a circus performer where one has to keep a bunch […]

Jane Knuth Book Giveaway
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Jane Knuth Book Giveaway

We hope you’re enjoying our online book club. Jane Knuth, the author of The Prayer List, has written several other books, and today we’re offering you the chance to win a copy of her popular first book, Thrift Store Saints. We have five copies to give away to lucky readers of Catechist’s Journey. Thrift Store Saints: Meeting Jesus 25¢ at a Time is a collection of true stories based on Jane’s experiences serving the poor […]

Tom Quinlan - author shares family prayer stories
Book Club

Book Club Bonus: Tom Quinlan’s Family Prayer Stories

Editor’s note: In our online book club, we’re reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray. Each Tuesday through August 7, 2018, we’ll bring you Book Club Bonus Days—sharing additional stories of family prayer, continuing the weekly conversation, and more. Find all the book club posts here. Today, Tom Quinlan shares two stories of family prayer. Saying Goodbye Dad was 90 and had had a major episode a few days earlier […]