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Local Paper Features My 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness

Among the many joys of Easter Sunday was the realization that a local newspaper, the Daily Southtown Star, published a story about my book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. I had completely forgotten about the interview which took place a week and a half earlier. When I picked up my Mom to go to our family Easter celebration, she congratulated me on the nice article in the paper! I quickly did a u-turn and headed to […]


My 4 Minutes of Fame – The WGN-TV Morning Show

I had a very exciting experience this morning appearing on the WGN-TV Morning Show for a brief (4 minutes!) segment on my book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. I’ve been watching Larry Potash and Robin Baumgarten on this local Chicago morning show for years and it was a thrill to be interviewed by them. They were so friendly and welcoming and put me at ease and I thought the segment went extremely well (thank you, […]


They’re Here! 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent AND My New Book!

Just in time for Lent! I’m happy to once again provide my very popular 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent – a resource that provides catechists and families with 40 practical, creative, and inspiring catechetical activities for the Lenten season, many of them placed specifically on days/dates to which they connect in the Lenten liturgical calendar. This year, to keep things fresh, I have included 7 brand new ideas, one for each week of Lent. […]

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Talking About Humility

I noticed that author Jane Knuth (Thrift Store Saints) asked a question about humility yesterday on the People for Others blog. In particular, she mentions the following quote from St. Vincent de Paul and then asks readers to share their understanding of the quote. The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from […]

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Getting Spiritually Fit this New Year!

I commented a few days ago about the fact that many of us commit to getting physically fit in the New Year and, while there is certainly nothing wrong with that, perhaps it would be even more important to get spiritually fit! My new book, 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness will help you to do just that. To be spiritual is to recognize that, in life, there is more than meets the eye. Spiritual wellness enables […]

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Start the New Year Right: Get SPIRITUALLY Fit!

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions that include getting physically fit. Nothing wrong with that! However, there’s another kind of fitness that is equally if not more important: spiritual fitness. Why not make a commitment this New Year to pay attention to your spiritual wellness? With that in mind, I’m happy to announce the publication of my new book: 7 KEYS TO SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: ENRICHING YOUR FAITH BY STRENGTHENING THE HEALTH OF YOUR SOUL […]

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The Catechist’s Toolbox Sweeps into Winnipeg, CA!

I received the most incredible unsolicited endorsement of my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada! The Director of Catechetics and Faith Formation, Judy Vermette, sent me the following. (the prayers she is referring to are the prayers at the end of each chapter). Hi Joe, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg and the Archdiocese of St. Boniface have collaborated to bring your book “The Catechist Toolbox” as the theme for a […]

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Spiritual Mentoring: Free Online Resources

Since the days of the early Church, Christians have realized that the spiritual journey is not meant to be walked alone. We find our way by walking with others who are guided by the same vision. A person who has a sense of direction and who can assist others in learning how to incorporate spiritual practices into daily life is called a mentor. Spiritual mentors can walk with others on the journey, whether informally or […]

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Sweet Home Chicago!

I had the honor and privilege of doing the keynote presentation today with my friend Fr. Dom Grassi at the Chicago Catechetical Conference held at the Donald Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont! Our topic was “Living the Mass: How We Go Forth Rejoicing FROM the House of the Lord.” Of course, Fr. Dom and I drew heavily from our book, Living the Mass: How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life. It was wonderful […]