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Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Independence Day: Revisiting How to Create a Declaration of DEpendence

As we celebrate Independence Day, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit an idea from a lesson I taught several years ago about the Lord’s Prayer as our Declaration of DEpendence. Through the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, we express our dependence on what God provides for us: his name, kingdom, will, daily bread, forgiveness, direction, and deliverance. Have a wonderful and blessed holiday! Here’s how to make your own “parchment.” […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Bringing Confirmandi and Sponsors Together for Meaningful Conversation

Too often, the role of the sponsor at Confirmation is treated as though it’s akin to being a bridesmaid or a groomsman at a wedding: just stand there and look good. And, oh yes, be sure to put your hand on your confirmandi’s shoulder. In short, it is a missed opportunity for quality adult faith formation. At St. Cajetan Parish in Chicago, the Director of Religious Education, Deb Breakey, takes the role of the sponsor […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Apprenticeships Instead of Service Projects

I recently received this comment from Jared Anderson about something creative and outstanding he is doing with his Confirmation program: The way that we incorporate Mission into our Confirmation program is that I require the candidates to do 4 month long Apprenticeships in an already existing Parish Ministry. There are 12 ministries (including myself as Director of Confirmation and Youth Ministries) that provide an adult mentor to provide ministry-specific formation and opportunities to get their […]

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Special Needs: Adaptive Kits for First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Now CONFIRMATION!

One of the challenges we face in catechesis is reaching out to those with special needs to help them encounter Christ in a meaningful way. Loyola Press is proud to be contributing resources to this effort, namely, the Adaptive Kits for First Eucharist and Reconciliation. Now we have proudly added a kit for Confirmation! The Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit was designed to help individuals with autism and other special needs enter fully into the faith experience, […]

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Let’s Help a Colleague: Project Based Learning for Confirmation Prep

 I received the following email from Tom, telling me about his idea of doing a “project-based” approach to Confirmation preparation. Here’s how he describes it:     Hi Joe, It was great to meet you in Winnipeg last month; your visit got me thinking about our parish’s catechetical confirmation prep. The candidates are in Gr. 9 (or as you folks say, ninth grade). I’m looking at implementing project based learning at the core of the […]

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Intermediate Grades

Sacraments of Initiation: I Pledge Allegiance…

I’m on my way to Brooklyn, NY, for a presentation this evening, however, here’s my latest thinking about  teaching the Sacraments of Initiation this Monday and tying it to the Old Testament. I plan to introduce the session by inviting the kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance and to talk about what it means to pledge one’s allegiance to someone or something (loyalty, obedience). I’ll use that as an opportunity to talk about how […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Wish I Had This DVD When I Was Teaching Confirmation

Here’s info about a new Confirmation DVD that I wish I had when I was teaching Confirmation a few years back! The DVD is Called and Confirmed and is part of the revised Confirmed in the Spirit Confirmation program by Loyola Press. The DVD has 3 parts, the 2nd of which I am particularly fond of since I had the privilege of narrating it! Here are some previews: Track 1: Marty’s Call Especially relevant at […]

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I’m Just Getting Warmed Up!

Yesterday, I told you about my new book, Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox, which you can pre-order (available February, 2013). Well, I’m just gettin’ warmed up!!! I’ve got lots more to tell you about. I’ve been a busy little catechist and writer this year and I’m happy to share with you 2 new resources that I am very proud of and that will help to meet a pressing need in catechesis (catechizing children who are “out […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 2, Day 3: “I Just Melted” (The Sacraments of Initiation)

WEEK TWO: Sacraments (Celebrating the Christian Mystery) DAY 3: “I Just Melted” (The Sacraments of Initiation) I remember asking my Dad before he passed away how it is that he and Mom never fought throughout their nearly 50 years of marriage. He said that, when they were dating, Mom once stood him up because she was unable to get back in time from another outing. He said he was all set to ream her out the […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Chris Brett Tells His Students About His Calling to be a Catechist

In this segment of Catechists in Action, 8th grade catechist Chris Brett is discussing with his recently confirmed class about how they can use their gifts to serve the community. Watch for the following: one of the students states, “become a catechist” as one way to use your gifts to serve others Chris asks the kids if they know how much money he makes each week serving as a catechist! 🙂 Chris asks the kids […]