The theme for Catechetical Sunday 2018 is “Enlisting Witnesses for Jesus Christ.” The following articles by Joe Paprocki, Julianne Stanz, and other catechists and catechetical leaders explore themes of discipleship and evangelization related to that theme.

How to Be a More Evangelizing Catechist #3: Proclaim Jesus’ Mighty Deeds
Some years ago, TV commercials for a food-processing appliance proudly proclaimed that this new innovation “slices, dices, and makes Julienne Fries!” Today, that phrase continues to be used, tongue-in-cheek, to convince people of the amazing capabilities of any new gadget and is emblematic of what we refer to as the advertising “claim”—the part of the ad that seeks to create a perception of superiority. It is the job of the advertiser to then convince consumers […]