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Catechetical Issues & Topics

A Jesuit Pope, Heroic Leadership, and the “Splendid Mission” of Catechesis

We have a new chief catechist! Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, brings with him to the papacy an approach to catechesis as a “splendid mission” that is a “pillar of the Church.” These are words that the former Cardinal Bergoglio used to celebrate a Day of the Catechist in Buenos Aries in 2010. What else did he say about catechesis and catechists? Here’s a sample: He expressed gratitude for the “silent and committed dedication” of […]

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Ignatian Spirituality

Welcome Pope Francis!!!

We rejoice at the announcement of the papacy of Francis I, a Jesuit Pope! The former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenes Aires becomes our 266th pope and we join him in praying for unity and peace. I’m excited about him being a Jesuit since I work for a Jesuit ministry, Loyola Press, and attended Jesuit schools for 12 years! Ignatian spirituality resonates with so many people and it’s wonderful to have a pope who understands […]

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Sharing Stories

Las Posadas

In a very tiny way, I can relate to the journey of Joseph and Mary as they left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem: it just so happens that I’m moving from one workspace to another! Although the distance of my journey will only be about 50 feet, it is a small reminder that we are all pilgrims on a much grander journey! I was thinking that I should add a dramatic flare to my move […]

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Catechists and Spiritual Direction

At one time (and perhaps in the minds of many people still today), spiritual direction was considered something reserved for the “spiritual elite” – priests and religious. Today, more and more lay people are discovering the value of spiritual direction. I’ve been seeing a spiritual director for about 5 years now and find it extremely enriching. At a recent presentation I was giving, I asked catechists what they are doing for their own ongoing spiritual […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Ad Multos Annos, Fr. George Lane, SJ!

Today is Fr. George Lane’s 40th anniversary at Loyola Press, the Jesuit ministry in Chicago where I humbly and proudly serve. Fr. Lane, who has served as President of Loyola Press since 1989, is a true legend in Chicago (and in the publishing business) and especially in the Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus. In addition to his amazing tenure at Loyola Press, Fr. Lane is also responsible for coordinating the efforts that saved and […]