wall of Lent information
Family Catechesis

St. Barnabas Family Catechesis: Getting Ready for Lent

This past Sunday, I facilitated the family catechesis session at St. Barnabas, as we prepared to enter the season of Lent in just a few short days. I have to say that this was one of the most fulfilling adult faith experiences of my long career, namely because of the high level of engagement and interest on the part of the parents and grandparents throughout this session! I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit the […]

Journey Through the Life of Jesus: A Lenten Webinar with Andrea Tornielli and Sr. Bernadette Reis, FSP - speakers pictured next to "The Life of Jesus" book cover

Focusing on the Life of Jesus During Lent

With Lent just over a week away (Ash Wednesday is February 14, 2024.), I’d like to invite you to make plans to focus on the life of Jesus this season through two special opportunities. Lenten Read-Along—Each year Loyola Press hosts a Lenten Read-Along, which is an opportunity to join with others in reading an inspirational book at a relaxed pace, giving time to savor what we read during Lent. This year’s Lenten Read-Along invites us […]

Lent cross - Charissame/iStock/Getty Images
Family Catechesis

Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Preparing for Lent

Our next family catechesis session at St. Barnabas takes place on February 4, just ten days before Lent begins. (Ash Wednesday is February 14!) So it makes sense that our topic for that day will be Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Here are a few thoughts about this upcoming session: This will be the first time I’m with the parents since December when we covered Advent. Our January session was a safe-environment session for the […]

The Life of Jesus Lenten Read-Along

Lent: A Less-Jolting Wake-Up Call

Most wake-up calls are not pleasant. I’m talking about the kind of wake-up calls associated with having a heart attack, getting pulled over for DUI, losing a job you thought you’d have forever, losing a loved one, experiencing a financial loss, or having a close relative or friend attempt suicide. Such wake-up calls are a kick in the gut that compel us to pause and reflect on our lives and consider making significant changes in […]

A Lenten Journey Through the Stations of the Cross: A Webinar with Gary Jansen
Stations of the Cross

A Stations of the Cross Webinar with Gary Jansen

Join award-winning author Gary Jansen and me for a special Lenten webinar that will draw from his book, Station to Station: An Ignatian Journey Through the Stations of the Cross, and offer a new way of looking at the Stations of the Cross to deepen your prayer life and provide hope in times of need. How do we respond to suffering? How did Jesus? And what can we learn from the Passion for helping us […]

Living Lent Daily

Diving into Lent

When I go swimming at the health club, diving into the pool is always a bit of a shock to my system. Once my body adjusts to the water temperature, however, I gradually begin to enjoy the buoyancy that results in a “lightness of being” that is renewing. This Lent, I invite you to “dive into” the 40 days in much the same way. At first, the change in climate can be a bit of […]

Braving the Thin Places Lenten Read-Along - text and image of Julianne Stanz and her book

Allowing Lent to Transform Our Perspective on the Experience of the Pandemic

For the last two years, I’ve heard many people say that they didn’t need or want to observe Lent because we’ve already been forced to give up so much. Believe me, I get it! Unfortunately, this is a misrepresentation of the true spirit of Lent. Sure, we have been taught to give up things for Lent. However, that is only one minor aspect of an entire season of renewal and enrichment that can truly transform […]

Living Lent Daily e-mail series

Living Lent Daily and Other Lent Resources from Loyola Press

Lent, which is right around the corner, is a time when we appreciate good resources that can help us and others pay closer attention to our spiritual lives, and there is no better place to turn to than Loyola Press. As always, Loyola Press is ready to assist you in guiding others through the season of Lent, while offering features for your own spiritual enrichment. First and foremost, we are excited to walk with you through Living […]

small group - illustration

If You’re Not Already Thinking About Lent, Why Are You Waiting?

Anyone in ministry knows that you have to live with one foot in the present and one in the future, since planning and preparation are so key to our success. While the liturgical season of Christmas is just now ending, planning for the Lenten season should already be in full swing by now. Ash Wednesday is just over seven weeks away (March 1, 2017). Having said that, however, it is not too late if you are […]

Facilitating Small Faith Groups for Lent
Adult Faith Formation

Reflecting on the Lenten Scriptures Cycle A Video Options

For the last two years I’ve offered handouts for Reflecting on the Lenten Scriptures, to be used in parish small faith groups. Year A materials for 2017 are now available. As I did last year, I selected some options for online videos for further reflection on each week’s theme. Always remember to preview videos before showing to your group, to determine appropriateness for your setting and be sure things work as expected. First Sunday of […]