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Intermediate Grades

This is the Day the Lord Has Made!

Monday evening was my last class of the year with my 4th graders. I’m gonna miss these little guys…they were a very sweet class and we had a good experience together. We began with a closing Mass in church and, for the second year in a row, the organist chose to sing “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad” as the responsorial and for the 2nd year in […]

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End of the Year 4th Grade Assessment

Tonight, I’ll be giving my 4th graders their “end of the year” assessment, as I mentioned last week. Before I do so, I’ll spend some time reviewing some of the major categories of learning from this year: the 7 Sacraments, Parts of the Mass, and the Ten Commandments. I plan to do so using lots of half sheets of paper, markers, masking tape, and the chalk boards. For the Seven Sacraments, I’ll tape 7 blank […]

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Intermediate Grades

A Little Rusty

Last evening’s class went very nicely, however, I really felt like I needed to ovecome some “rust” after a few weeks of not teaching (because of interruptions in the schedule). For one, I forgot to include our little ritual gesture of marking our foreheads, lips, and hearts with the sign of the Cross at the start of class! Didn’t think about it till I got home and was reviewing in my mind how the class […]

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Roman Missal Changes

Thanks to All Who Participated in My Roman Missal Webinars!

A great big THANK YOU to all the folks who participated in my Roman Missal Webinars these past 2 nights! I hope this was a good opportunity for you to get a start on understanding the changes in the words we use at Mass. Don’t forget the following: Here is the PDF I promised of resources for the Roman Missal Changes I’ll begin answering questions that you sent in here on my blog over the […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal Translation – What You Need to Know #7

As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal in Advent, 2011. I’ll point you to these articles weekly over the next several weeks as they […]

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Roman Missal Changes

Roman Missal Webinar Tomorrow!

“Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me…” No, it’s not all about me…that’s just the sound of my voice warming up for tomorrow’s webinar! I’m stretching my vocal chords as I get ready to talk about the changes in the Roman Missal, a subject that is of great importance to anyone who believes that the Mass is the most important thing that we Catholics do! There’s still a little time left to register…HURRY! Don’t forget that you have TWO opportunities to choose […]

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Roman Missal Changes

FREE Webinar: Roman Missal Changes

Facilitator: Joe Paprocki, DMin Brought to you by Loyola Press, A Jesuit Ministry Wednesday, February 9, 2011 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (CST) [Find out what time this is for you.] Beginning with Advent 2011, we will celebrate the Mass following the English translation of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal. While the changes for the Mass may be exciting for some people, they may be confusing for others. Participate in this free Webinar to […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal Translation – What You Need to Know #3 and 4

As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal next year. I ll point you to these articles weekly over the next 2 […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal – What You Need to Know

As you probably already know, we will be preparing to implement the new Roman Missal one year from now, in Advent, 2011. This will be an issue of critical importance to catechists who will be on the front lines of teaching others about how to adapt to the changes in the texts of the prayers we say at Mass. The time between now and then is to be used for catechesis on the liturgy and […]

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Intermediate Grades

A Visit From the Associate Pastor

Last night, we had a very nice visit from our Associate Pastor, Fr. Matthew Nemchausky. Fr. Matt dropped in last week and asked if he could arrange for a time to meet the kids so I invited him to visit this week. We planned on perhaps 10-15 mins, however, the kids were so interested in him that the visit lasted a half-hour! I thought it was an excellent experience for the kids and I was […]